Jaguin's Love: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 8 Read online

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  Jaguin chuckled and sat back down. He waved his hand in a circle. Sara, understanding that he wanted her to turn around, decided that if she was going to do it, she would do it in style. Pivoting on her heel, she struck a pose, one arm up, the other on her left butt check and her ass sticking out. The move thrust her breasts upward and made her think of what it felt like to ride him.

  Moving slowly, Sara slowly pushed her panties down, taking tiny steps toward him as she did. When she was almost to him, she did a slow-motion twist and moved in a swaying arch toward him.

  She thought she would have more time to tease and play with him, but the second that she was within reach, Jaguin had her by the waist and spun her around. One minute, he was in the chair, watching her; the next, she was bent over it and he was pressed behind her. Sara’s heart raced when she felt him nestled between her buttocks.

  “Jaguin,” she whispered in a trembling breath.

  “Bend over, Sara,” Jaguin demanded. “Place your hands down on the grips.”

  Sara looked down, stunned to see that two grips had formed on the back of the curved chair. She gasped when she felt him reach down and caress her hot, dripping curls. She went from moist to ready in three seconds flat once she started her little tease session.

  “I’ve never,” Sara started to say, when she felt his hand slide up and then spread her. “Jaguin.” She moaned, bowing her head.

  “So beautiful,” Jaguin whispered, aligning his cock with her tight entrance. “Do you trust me, Sara?”

  Sara’s breath caught when she felt the tip of his cock pressing against her. She nodded, waiting for him to continue. A shiver ran through her when she felt his fingers caress the faint scars that crisscrossed her back. She had to bite her lip to keep from crying out.

  “Tell me, Sara. Do you trust me?” Jaguin asked again in a quiet, soothing voice.

  “Yes,” She whispered. “Yes, I… trust you, Jaguin.”

  “As I trust you, my mate,” Jaguin replied, pressing forward.

  Sara gasped and breathed deeply. From this angle, he filled her until she wasn’t sure she could take any more. She bent forward and spread her legs further. When he pushed deeper into her vaginal canal from behind, it left her feeling vulnerable and exposed. A whimper escaped her when he gripped her hips tightly between his hands and began rocking her back and forth so she was the one impaling him.

  “That is it, my elila. You have the power to take me,” Jaguin swore, watching as his cock disappeared into her over and over. “How much can you take, Sara? How much of me are you willing to claim as yours?”

  Fire built inside Sara. She looked over her shoulder at him. His face was taut with desire. The muscle in his jaw twitched as he tried to keep control. Suddenly, Sara wanted to be the one to break through that control. Holding onto the grips, Sara rocked harder and faster, taking him deeper and deeper until she could feel him touching her womb.

  Her breasts rocked with her. The movement reminded her that every time she pressed forward, her nipples would brushed against the living metal. As if he read her thoughts, Sara suddenly felt a tight squeeze on them. Thin ribbons of gold chain wound around each one, pulling and tugging with every move she made. A low cry escaped her when his right hand moved to her ass and he squeezed it. The added pressure was just enough to send her over the edge. She slammed back against him, burying him as far as she could take him and she came hard, her vaginal canal fisting him as she pulsed.

  “Sweet Goddess of the Hive,” Jaguin groaned as his cock jerked deep inside Sara. His loud hiss filled the air as he fought to pull in air. “Sara!” He groaned again, his hips jerking in time with his pulsing release.

  “I love you, my elila,” he gasped, falling forward to cage her under his body. “I love you so much, Sara.”

  Sara bowed her head; tears burned her eyes from the intensity of the feeling ricocheting through her. His words were like a soothing balm to her shattered soul. She wasn’t ready to say the words of outloud yet, but she knew deep in her heart that she loved him. She loved Jaguin more than life itself, because without him, she wouldn’t know what life truly was.


  Sara groaned and stretched. She froze when she realized that it felt like they were no longer moving. Her head turned and her eyes widened when she also realized that they were no longer alone. A soft cry escaped her and Sara pulled the golden sheet covering her up to her chin.

  “Jaguin,” Sara whispered, nudging Jaguin with her foot. “Jaguin, wake up!” She hissed when all he did was groan and roll over.

  Unfortunately, when he rolled, Honey didn’t go with him, or at least, Honey the sheet didn’t go with him. Sara’s face flamed when the huge male staring at them released a sigh and shook his head.

  “Jaguin,” the man said sharply.

  Jaguin might not have woken for her, but he did when he heard the man’s voice. In a flash, he was on his feet, a long knife that Sara didn’t remember him having clutched tightly in his fist. Sara’s blush deepened when an older woman peeked her head inside and grimaced.

  “Jaguin, put some clothing on,” the woman ordered. “I saw enough of your bare body when you were a lad, I have no desire to see it as a full grown male. Your father is more than enough for my poor eyes.”

  “Yes, mother,” Jaguin muttered, reaching for the blanket Sara was clutching to her chest.

  “Oh, no, you don’t, Sara snapped. “Find your own blanket. This one is mine.”

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing her,” a younger male said.

  “Get out of here, Jaire,” Jaguin growled, reaching for his clothing.

  Sara stared back at the young boy. He looked like a younger version of Jaguin. She blinked when he suddenly grinned at her. Even his smile looked like Jaguin. Doubt and confusion filled her when she glanced back at the older man.

  “Boy, back up, let your brother and his mate get dressed,” the man ordered.

  “Yes, sir,” Jaire muttered, winking at Sara before he stepped backwards out of Honey.

  Sara turned her head to stare at Jaguin. He could feel the flush rising in his cheeks at her raised eyebrow. Bending, he picked up his shirt and pulled it on, not bothering to fasten the hooks in the front.

  “Please tell me I didn’t just meet your family while we were both naked,” Sara asked in a trembling voice.

  Jaguin grinned. Sara, recognizing that she definitely just met his family, groaned and buried her face against her knees. She wished the ground would just open up and swallow her. Why, oh why, did life have to be so unfair at times? Wasn’t hers screwed up enough without adding her meeting the in-laws while in the buff to the list?

  “Sara,” Jaguin murmured, sliding his hands along her bent head and threading his fingers in her hair. “Look at me.”

  “Go away. I just want to die in peace,” she mumbled.

  A deep sigh escaped Jaguin. “Sara, elila, look at me,” he coaxed. “Please.”

  “I’m dying here of total embarrassment,” Sara stated in a muffled voice. “Go away.”

  “They will love you,” Jaguin whispered tenderly.

  Sara lifted her head and glared at him. “They probably think I’m some super slut you picked up at a bar somewhere,” she sniffed, wiping at the angry tears.

  “Never,” he swore. “They know you are my mate. They see the way my symbiot is wrapped around you. It would never do that for any woman, much less one that was not my mate.”

  “How can you be sure?” Sara demanded, looking at him suspiciously.

  “You are covered in the marks of my dragon,” Jaguin pointed out.

  Sara looked down at the faint mark of a dragon on her arm. Her gaze reluctantly moved to her right shoulder. She had one there as well. Lifting her left arm, she noticed one on the inside of her wrist. She really was covered with the marks.

  “When did I get that one?” She asked in confusion, holding up her wrist.

  “I believe that one is new,” Jaguin chuckled. “As is the one on t
he inside of your left thigh.”

  Sara stared at him in disbelief before she lifted the blanket to check. Sure enough, there was a mark on her thigh. How in the hell did she not remember him biting her there? She dropped the blanket and glared at him.

  “I’m going to muzzle you if you don’t quit biting me,” she snapped.

  Jaguin chuckled and brushed a kiss across her pouty lips. “Wait until you see your breasts. My dragon really does want to see his mate,” he murmured before he captured her lips in a heated kiss.

  Sara’s soft moan died in her throat. Her hands rose to tangle in his hair. Another moan rose when her nipples, sensitive from their earlier lovemaking, brushed against the soft material of his shirt. They immediately tightened into taut peaks.

  “Wow! You really did claim her as your true mate!” A voice behind them exclaimed in awe, pulling them both back to the present with a resounding crash.

  “Is he really your brother?” Sara asked, shivering as Jaguin wrapped his arms around her in order to give her a little modest coverage.

  “Unfortunately, yes,” Jaguin gritted out before he smiled. “But, I am soon to become an only child once again,” he snapped out, adding the last part in a loud voice.

  “I’m leaving,” Jaire complained. “Mother said dinner will be served soon and not to get too distracted.”

  “Then, I suggest you get out of here so that Sara can get ready,” Jaguin ordered. “Honey, seal the transport.”

  Sara buried her face in Jaguin’s chest when Honey suddenly pitched and rolled, sending Jaguin’s young brother flying backwards before the entrance to the ship closed, sealing them blissfully inside. Sara giggled when she heard the muffled curse followed by a repeat not to keep their mother waiting.

  “I’m hungry!” Jaire yelled.

  “He is always hungry,” Jaguin replied dryly, sliding off the bed and standing. “Come, he will not go away until we come out.”

  “How do you know?” Sara asked, turning to slide her legs over the side.

  Jaguin grinned when the golden bed suddenly rose, gently pushing Sara to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the feel of her naked body in his arms. His gaze softened when he saw her startled look.

  “Because I wouldn’t have when I was his age,” Jaguin replied, grimacing when he heard Jaire yell again for them to hurry up. “Come, I will help you get dressed.”

  Chapter 19

  Sara laughed and smiled at Cheri. Jaguin’s mother had welcomed her into the family with a huge hug and a warm heart. Sara was afraid at first that Jaguin’s parents might not accept her. After all, she was different from any of the other women on the planet. She was the alien.

  Instead of feeling awkward, Cheri took her under her wing, showing her around the bustling village, and introducing her to a host of residents. Sara was sure she would never remember their names.

  “Jaguin’s dragon must be so happy to have found his mate at last,” Cheri said, breaking into Sara’s thoughts of her first few days in the remote mountain village.

  “His dragon?” Sara repeated, turning from where she was storing some of the fresh produce they just picked up at the market. “I see him every day. He appears calm.”

  Cheri laughed and shook her head. “He should be,” she replied with a twinkle in her eye. “Just remember, a male dragon likes a challenge. If he demands you submit, you twitch your tail – and slap him upside the head with it for thinking he can boss you around.”

  “My tail?” Sara repeated, this time in a quieter tone. “I… don’t have a tail.”

  “You don’t…. Oh, you poor child, I’m so sorry,” Cheri murmured, turning to wrap her arms around Sara. “Jaguin will love you even if your dragon does not have a tail.”

  “No, no, it’s – Well, I don’t have a dragon either. I mean I do. I hear her in my head, but I’ve never… You know, actually, turned into a dragon,” Sara finally muttered.

  A look of confusion, followed by clarity, swept across Cheri’s face. She raised an eyebrow at Sara and placed her hands on her hips. Sara blushed and fidgeted with a jar of fresh made jam.

  “Has Jaguin not shown you how to shift into your dragon yet?” Cheri asked with a knowing look.

  Sara shook her head. “No, he said he didn’t think I was ready yet. I know he is having difficulty controlling his dragon. He… He’s worried that it might hurt me,” she softly admitted.

  “I need to have a talk with Jaguin’s father,” Cheri commented dryly. “It is obvious he has seriously neglected the education of his oldest son. I can only imagine what he has forgotten to tell Jaire.”

  Sara’s lips twitched. “Jaire seems pretty smart,” she reflected, thinking of the young teenage boy.

  Cheri sighed and shook her head. “Village talk among the younglings. He will get himself in trouble if he listens to them, you mark my words. Follow me,” Cheri instructed, wiping her hands on a small towel before she turned and headed for the back door to the beautiful family home.

  Sara quickly placed the jam on the counter and hurried after Cheri. She paused in the doorway leading out to the back gardens. As always, she stopped for a few seconds to absorb the beautiful, and bountiful, array of flora covering every square inch of the walled garden.

  “What are we doing?” Sara asked, finally walking across the stone deck and descending the steps.

  Cheri turned and smiled. “You are going to let your dragon out,” Cheri stated with a happy clap of her hands.

  “But, Jaguin said…,” Sara started to argue before her voice faded at the disapproving look on Cheri’s face.

  “What Rolf should have explained to Jaguin, and I can only hope he remembers to tell Jaire, is that a male dragon will NEVER harm his mate.” Sara watched as Cheri stepped up to her and clasped her hands firmly between her own. “Sara, it is the female dragon that rules the male. He is her protector, her companion, her partner, but she is his life. He could no more harm her than he could himself.”

  “Are you sure?” Sara asked, biting her lip as hope blossomed inside her.

  “Positive. It is a knowledge passed down from mother to daughter,” Cheri explained. “Only the females of the royal family have the power to shift into a dragon without the Dragon’s Fire. They have a direct connection to the Hive, home of the Goddesses and the giver of the symbiots. The rest of the women must hope to find our true mates. Yet, the males need us even more than we need them. For we do not have to accept all of them, the way the three parts of the male have to accept us. When we do, we hold the power of the future, for we give birth to the next line of dragons. You were given this gift by the Goddess. It is time my son’s dragon knows his mate.”

  Sara nodded before Cheri even finished. Her lips parted when Cheri murmured for her to call to her dragon. Sara listened as Cheri told her what she needed to do.

  “Call to her, give her your strength, and trust in her,” Cheri instructed quietly. “She will be frightened the first time, especially without her mate here. I will guide you and her. Do not be afraid of the change. Embrace it, accept it, and let the magic of the Goddess wash through you. You will still be there, just as she is with you.”

  “Okay,” Sara whispered, drawing in a deep breath and focusing. “Come to me.”

  My mate? Her dragon asked in a sleepy voice.

  He isn’t here. I need you to come take over. I need to learn how to let you out, Sara said.

  No, my mate call me. I come when he call, her dragon said stubbornly.

  Jaguin’s afraid to let him call you. We have to show him that his dragon won’t hurt you, Sara explained. Please, trust me. Cheri is here. She’ll guide you.

  I no want to, her dragon whimpered. I wait for him.

  “Come to me, child. I wish to see my new daughter,” Cheri’s firm voice demanded. “Come!”

  Sara gasped when she felt her dragon’s response to the deeper voice of the older dragon. Cheri had partially shifted. She understood that she needed the older female d
ragon to pull the younger one out.

  Everything blurred for a moment before things became clear. Sara drew in a hissing breath. Things weren’t just clear, they were brilliantly sharp. She could actually see the small hair-like texture on a nearby leaf that would have required a magnify glass to see before.

  Turning, she lost her balance when she tripped over her tail. Sara blinked and stared in disbelief. She had a tail – and wings.

  I a dragon, her dragon crowed in delight. I free.

  Yes, you are and a very lovely one at that, Cheri stated, using her head to help Sara stand up again. Now, you must watch your tail. It is a very useful tool, but can be a bit of a nuisance if you are not careful.

  How can it be a…, Sara started to ask at the same time as her tail swung around and shattered a small pot filled with tiny flowers. Oh, sorry!

  Cheri chuckled. If one small pot is all that will be lost, I believe we will be most lucky. Come, we need more room, she decided.

  For what? Sara asked, trying to follow behind Cheri without damaging anything else.

  To fly, Cheri said.

  To… Fly?! Sara whispered, swallowing. Hold on a minute. I don’t know the first thing about flying. I’ve been up in a plane and I’ve ridden Jaguin’s dragon and that is about the extent of my knowledge.

  Cheri turned and looked at Sara. Her tail swung around and she used the tip to lift the young dragon’s chin so that she was forced to look at her and not the ground. Sara swallowed when she saw the beautiful silver and white dragon staring back at her.

  You may not know anything about flying, Sara, but your dragon does. She was born with the instinct bred over millions of years. Release her, become her, and you have nothing to fear, Cheri said in a quiet, soothing voice.

  Sara thought of what Cheri was telling her. She knew it was true in both plants and animals. Plants had evolved over millions of years, some changing and adapting to their environment. While alive in a different sense, it was technology that was had many of the same characteristics. The huge Sequoias in California needed fire to survive. Without fire, the cones they dropped would never open, releasing the seeds. Sara knew about thousands of plants that needed a wide range of things to live and thrive. Animals did the same thing. The knowledge was passed down through the genetics from one generation to the next.


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