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Jaguin's Love: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 8 Page 14
Jaguin's Love: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 8 Read online
Page 14
Sara sat in the chair near the window, gazing out. She could feel the tension in the air. It was more than what just happened, something else was going on. She could only think it had to do with the situation that Abby and Ariel told her a little bit about earlier.
Reaching down, she absently stroked Honey’s head that was resting on her lap. Gentle waves of warm flowed through her. She sniffed and bowed her head. She was so tired.
“What is wrong with me?” She whispered.
You… need… me, a soft voice whispered in her head.
Sara froze, a frown creasing her brow. Slowly lifting her head, she looked around the room. That voice was… different.
“Now I’m going mad,” Sara whispered in despair, closing her eyes.
No mad, just sad, the voice answered, this time a little stronger.
Who… Who are you? Sara asked silently.
You… but, me, the voice said.
“That makes absolutely no sense,” Sara muttered out loud.
“What makes no sense, Sara?” Audrey asked, quietly closing the door behind her.
Sara started. She was amazed at how quiet Audrey was. This was the second time that she had entered a room without Sara being aware of it. Sara couldn’t help but wonder if doctors took a class in how to walk stealthily.
A rumbling giggle shook her. Sara rose from her seat and swiveled in a tight circle, confused. Her hand rose to her head as a wave of dizziness struck her.
“Is your head hurting you again?” Audrey asked in concern.
“No… No, it’s… I hear a voice in my head,” Sara reluctantly admitted, suddenly afraid she had really lost her grip on reality.
Audrey moved forward and motioned for Sara to sit back down. She quickly checked both of Sara’s eyes and pulse. Sara was surprised when she pulled a small scanner similar to what Tandor used out of the pocket of her long skirt. Sara sat still while Audrey scanned her. The other woman frowned down at the readings before she pulled the chair across from Sara closer and sat down.
“Your pulse is a bit fast, but I think it is okay considering your current emotion and physical state. The rest of the scan appears normal,” Audrey stated, glancing down at the readings with another frown.
Sara rubbed her damp palms along the material of her jeans. “You don’t sound very convinced,” she observed, glancing at the scanner in curiosity.
“The readings all say normal, but they are different from before,” Audrey admitted.
That because I not there before, the voice in her head said.
Sara started again and stared at Audrey in growing panic. “There it is again,” she exclaimed in a tight voice. “I just heard the voice again.”
Audrey frowned and stared at Sara. “What did it say?” She asked.
“That the readings were normal because she wasn’t there before,” Sara repeated in a voice that trembled.
Audrey leaned forward and gently held Sara’s hair away from her neck. The frown slowly melted when she saw the mark on Sara’s neck. Sara watched as Audrey sat back in her seat with a reassuring smile on her lips.
“You’ve mated with Jaguin, haven’t you?” Audrey asked.
A blush rose, coloring Sara’s cheeks a rosy color. “Yes, last night…,” she mumbled.
“Can you ask the voice in your head if she is a dragon?” Audrey asked with a soothing smile.
“A dragon?!” Sara’s stunned whisper echoed through the room.
My mate need me, the voice whispered. You need me.
You… you are a dragon? Sara asked, stunned.
I your dragon, the voice replied. You let me out. I show you.
I don’t know how, Sara replied in a small voice.
Our mate teach us, her dragon said confidently. You see.
What… What happens to me when… if I let you out? Sara asked.
We one. You still there, only inside, her dragon whispered. I tired. You not sleep. I need sleep. You need sleep.
“Sara,” Audrey called several times before Sara heard her.
“Wh… What?” Sara asked, dazed.
Audrey leaned forward and cupped her hands. “I asked what did the voice say?”
“She said… She said she was tired. That I’m not sleeping and that we both need sleep,” Sara admitted, blinking several times to clear her vision.
“She’s right. Are the nightmares still as bad as they were before?” Audrey asked in a gentle tone, reaching into her pocket and pulling a small black bag the size of a clutch purse out.
“They change. Sometimes they are worse than others,” Sara said, pulling her hair back. “Just when I think I have everything under control, they start up again. It’s the unpredictability of them that keeps me feeling off-balance. It’s like I never know what is going to trigger them. I feel like an emotional basket case….”
Audrey reached over and squeezed her hand. “It is totally understandable to be feeling like this, Sara. What you’ve been through has been very traumatic. Each person handles the stress in a different way. Don’t be ashamed of your feelings. If you need to be alone, be alone, but don’t give up. Talking about it helps some people. Other people find a hobby or a change of environment helps. Mediation, eating properly, and a daily routine will help you. Is there anything that you really love to do that you can do here?”
Sara drew in a deep breath and nodded. “I loved my job,” she confessed, turning to look back out at the garden. “There are so many different plants here. It is amazing. I could spend the rest of my life just studying the ones in the garden.”
“Then, focus on that. Do what you love and don’t worry about anything else,” Audrey encouraged. “I’m going to give you something to help you get some rest.”
Sara nodded, willing to do anything at the moment to just shut down for a little while. Her gaze moved to the door. For a brief second, she wished that Jaguin could hold her like he did on the ship, but realized that now was not the time. He and Gunner were there to protect them from whatever was going on elsewhere in the palace. Drawing in a deep breath, she smiled at Audrey and lifted her arm to her.
Sara waited as Audrey withdrew a small vial and an injector from the bag she had pulled out a few minutes before. She watched in silence as Audrey inserted the vial into the injector before she pressed it against the inside of Sara’s arm. Almost immediately, Sara felt the effects of the powerful drug.
A sigh of relief escaped Sara when Audrey slipped an arm around her and steadied her. Sara rose unsteadily to her feet. With Honey’s help, Audrey helped guide her over to the bed.
“Thank you, Audrey,” Sara whispered with a faint smile.
She blinked several times, her vision blurring as Audrey pulled the throw over her and tucked her in. She reached up and grasped Audrey’s arm. Her lips parted and she tried to force out the words, but it seemed like she couldn’t remember how to form them. Audrey held her hand tightly for a moment before she tucked it under the covers.
“Rest, Sara. I’m going to go check on Emma. If you can, let Jaguin help you fight your demons,” Audrey whispered, smoothing her hair back from her face.
“Dragon,” Sara finally mumbled, her eyes growing heavy. “I have a dragon. I… am… a dragon.”
“I know,” Audrey whispered. “Just remember that a dragon can conquer any demon, even the ones in your nightmare.”
A soft smile curved Sara’s lips as she sank deeper into the dark abyss. For the first time since her captivity, she wasn’t afraid of it. She didn’t know if it was because of the drug Audrey gave her or the knowledge that she had her own personal dragon.
Not one dragon, the soft, feminine voice in her head said. You have two dragons. Our mate protect us, too. We not alone.
No, I… we are not alone, Sara thought faintly as the shadow of a large silver dragon suddenly appeared next to the small brushed nickel colored one. Oh, Jaguin, she is so beautiful.
I know, my elila, Jaguin’s voice caressed her. Sle
ep. Let us watch over you.
Sara released a sigh and rolled over onto her side. She felt the warmth of Honey as the symbiot jumped up onto the bed next to her. She was surrounded on all sides.
Thank you, Sara whispered before she released her hold on consciousness.
“I will always protect you, my brave mate,” Jaguin murmured from the doorway of the bedroom.
Chapter 18
Two days later, Sara walked quietly across the room and sank down in the chair across from Emma. They sat in silence for several minutes before Sara sighed loudly and reached for the fragile young girl’s hand. She bowed her head and drew in a deep breath. She and Emma had been through something no one should ever have to go through, but that did not change what happened. They could not change the past; they could only control the present and focus on the future, wherever it took them.
Sara knew deep down that she had to take control of her present, because she wanted a future. She wanted a chance to live again, to find out who she was and what she was capable of. Over the last two days, she, and her new dragon self, had grown stronger. When she had finally woken, it was to find Jaguin sitting on the bed beside her – waiting patiently for her to wake up.
She closed her eyes and clutched the memory of his presence to her. She needed it to have the strength to complete the task she had set in motion. Fear threatened to choke her. The uncertainty that she was making the right decision clutched at her heart and throat with a greedy claw before she felt a wave of warmth that she was making the right decision settle over her. She knew she wasn’t alone now, and never would be again.
“I’m going away for a little while, Emma,” Sara said reluctantly, looking across at the pale features of the other woman. “I’ve been invited to go up into the mountains where there are some very unusual plants. I… I miss my research. I need to find a place for myself on this world and this is the one thing I know I’m good at,” Sara began, unable to keep the tears from escaping as a wave of guilt swept over her. Her voice broke when Emma raised her hand and gently wiped the tear that escaped from her cheek. “You have to fight back, Emma. This is a good place to live even if it is different. The people here are… The people here are strange and different as well but they would never hurt us. Not like Cuello did. You have to fight back. I can’t stand watching you fade away any longer. I… I need to heal and I can’t do that unless I get back to doing what I love,” she finished in an emotion-choked voice.
“Go, Sara,” Emma whispered with a ghost of a smile. “I’ll be alright. I promise.”
Sara stared into Emma’s eyes, frowning for a moment when she saw something glimmering deep in the other woman’s eyes. There was a new awareness that she hadn’t noticed before. There was also a swirl of color deep in the vivid blue eyes that Sara didn’t remember seeing before – it was as if there was something alive inside Emma, something that the other woman may not even know was there.
Sara leaned forward and hugged Emma tight. It took a few seconds, but Emma’s arms lifted and she wrapped them around Sara. They sat there for several long minutes before Sara reluctantly pulled away.
“I’ll be back to check on you,” Sara promised with a sniff. “Carmen and Creon also promised that they would take care of you and make sure that you are safe.”
Sara watched as Emma nodded. Rising out of the seat, she bent and gave Emma one last kiss on the cheek before she turned and walked away. Only when she stepped out into the hallway and into Jaguin’s arms did she let the tears fall.
“She will be fine,” Jaguin promised. “Creon and Carmen have sworn they will do everything in their power to make sure that she is safe and heals. Creon will make arrangements for her to return to Earth, if that becomes necessary.”
Sara nodded and wiped her cheeks. “She has family there. Her mom, I think,” she whispered. “I’m ready to go. Are you sure it is okay for you to leave?”
Jaguin nodded. “My services are no longer needed at the moment,” he assured her. “If the royal family have need of my skills, they know where I will be.”
A trembling smile curved Sara’s lips. “So, besides being a warrior, what other type of skills do you have?” She asked in a somewhat breathless voice.
Jaguin’s eyes glittered with mischief. “I am one of the best trackers on Valdier…,” he began.
“And… what else?” Sara asked, stepping closer to him and running her hands up his chest.
“The best lover that you will ever have,” Jaguin proclaimed with a wicked smile before he bent and captured her lips in a hard, passionate kiss that promised he would prove his claim.
“I can’t wait for you to show me,” Sara replied huskily.
Sara’s words echoed in Jaguin’s mind. It didn’t help that he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. He grunted when she handed him the last basket that she had grabbed. He grimaced and sent a mental command to Honey that they were going to need a slightly bigger transport.
“It’s yours and Honey’s fault, you know,” Sara muttered as she picked up a smaller case. “I told you that you were giving me loads of stuffed sloths.”
Jaguin glanced back at the back of the transport. It was filled to overflowing with the stuffed creatures. Arms, legs, and heads stuck out everywhere. Huge, rounded eyes, some wide, while others looked as if the creatures were half asleep, stared back at him.
“I did not realize that Honey was bringing them to you as well until it was too late,” Jaguin defended with a crooked smile. “Luckily, we were able to fit them all on the transport.”
Sara chuckled as she climbed into the elegant interior. She couldn’t help but release a soft whistle when she saw the bucket seats formed out of gold. Even though she knew what Honey could do, the symbiot continued to amaze her.
“This is incredible,” Sara said, climbing into the seat on the right. “Is there anything it can’t change into?”
Jaguin thought for a moment before he shook his head. “No, not that I know of,” he replied after careful thought.
“How fast can Honey go?” Sara asked.
Jaguin watched as Sara ran a caressing hand along the arm of the golden seat. A soft groan threatened to escape him. While the symbiot might look like a space ship, it was still his symbiot. Every touch, every caress that Sara made to the gold body of the ship felt like she was caressing him. For all its physical appearance, it was still connected to him.
“Sara,” Jaguin muttered before he shook his head. “Fast enough when necessary. Take us home, my friend,” he instructed, settling into the seat next to Sara.
But take your time, he added silently.
It had been almost three days since he joined with Sara; his body and his dragon were begging for a repeat. If he was lucky, he might convince Sara of that fact as well. After all, what better way to pass the time on a weary trip?
“This is exciting,” Sara said, leaning forward so she could look out of the front screen. “How does it do this?” She asked, briefly turning her head to look at him before turning it to the front. “It looks like glass, but I know that it isn’t.”
“It is able to reflect the environment around it,” Jaguin explained, counting the seconds until they were far enough from the palace that he could distract her.
“How long will it take us to get to your village?” Sara asked.
Jaguin glanced out the window. They just passed over the edge of the cliff and were heading down along the coast. In another twenty minutes, they would begin the turn inland toward the forests where he took Sara just a few short nights ago.
Sweat began to bead on his brow as he remembered the intense pleasure. Jaguin finally released a strangled curse. He was about to rise out of his seat when he felt himself pinned to it. Sara was wrapped around him, her lips clinging to his while her hands worked frantically at the fastenings of his shirt.
“You have far too many clothes on,” she groaned, leaning back and pulling her shirt up over her head.
nbsp; “Goddess, Sara!” Jaguin exclaimed before she sat up just far enough to thrust one taut nipple into his mouth.
“That’s it, suck it,” Sara groaned, her hand moving over his shoulders under the material. “The other one. You can’t forget it.”
Jaguin’s hands worked to release her trousers while his mouth, tongue and teeth, teased her nipples. He was happy that she already discarded her shoes. He was going to have to seriously think of different footwear, something easy to kick off. He clumsily worked at toeing first one, then the other boot off. At leastthey were shorter ones and didn’t require unstrapping.
His eyes widened as an idea came to him, but he quickly discarded it. With Sara’s past, there was no way that she would allow him to strap her down. The thought disappeared when he gripped the side of her pants and pulled them down to her knees.
She rose up as high as she could on his lap without getting off. A smile tugged at her lips when he groaned. Sara leaned forward and pressed a hot, open-mouth kiss to his.
“Have you ever had a lap dance?” She asked in a husky voice.
Jaguin’s throat worked up and down and he shook his head. The smile on her lips grew and she slid off his lap so she could kick her jeans off. His eyes moved to the material covering her womanhood. He licked his lips before raising his gaze to meet hers.
“I’ve never done this before either, but it might be fun,” Sara said with a nervous smile. “Can you do me a favor and remove the rest of your clothes?”
“What will you do if I take them off?” Jaguin demanded.
“I’ll give you a show you won’t forget – or regret,” Sara promised, lifting her hands to her breasts and cupping them before she slid them down her body and teased the material at her hips. “And for not destroying my panties. It took a while to get these made.”
Jaguin licked his lips and nodded. “I don’t wear any,” he stated, standing up and pushing his trousers down.
“I… know,” Sara choked out, her eyes glued to where his cock throbbed and bobbed up and down. “And might I say it would be a perfectly good waste of material if you did.”