Ella and the Beast Read online

Page 23

  “What the hell is going on?” A voice demanded from behind them.

  Ty saw Ben standing in the open doorway staring at all of them, his gaze narrowing in on Ty. He could see his friend’s expression change into a dark scowl when he noticed the way that Ty was standing protectively in front of Ella. Anger darkened Ben’s face and the lion shifter released a terrifying growl of warning that had all of the agents stepping back in caution.

  “I don’t know who in the hell you people are, but that is my patient. She is under my care and if one of you asswipes so much as touches a hair on her head, I’ll rip you apart before I stitch you back together,” Ben snapped, stepping forward to stand next to Ty and Ella. “Is she hurt?”

  “No, she is not hurt,” Ella stated in a muffled voice.

  Ben’s lips twitched. “I’m assuming you finally decided to tell him,” he commented, glancing at Ty’s face, which was back to normal now. “Who are these people?”

  “They are with the CSIA/DONASP. They are trying to take Ella,” Ty replied.

  “What the hell for?” Ben asked in an incredulous voice.

  “Doctor…,” Agent Crane began.

  “Ben Lyon. Ella Bearclaw is under my protection due to her delicate condition. This type of stress is very harmful to my patient and the cub she is carrying. As her doctor, I invoke the Patient Protection Law and demand that she be given primary protection due to her current health,” Ben insisted. “If not, I’ll be happy to show you what happens when you piss off a lion and a grizzly, Agent….”

  “Crane,” Agent Crane replied, pursing her lips together.

  Ty watched as she glaredthe agent stared back and forth between Ben and himself before turning her gaze to his father where he was speaking into his cell phone. A grim smile curved his lips when he saw her. Agent Crane’s grimace after his father mentioned his aunt’s name told them she wasn’t happy about the call.

  “Is there some place where we can sit while I inform my superiors of the situation? Obviously, not all the facts were included in the report I was given,” Agent Crane finally added.

  “The den,” Lena said with a wave of her hand. “Ella, are you hungry? You didn’t get a chance to eat breakfast. Martha, can you please prepare something for Ella?”

  “Of course, but if you ask me to get anything for the others here, I’ll poison them,” Martha replied with a snort. “They are nothing but a bunch of ungrateful government bullies if you ask me.”

  Agent Crane pressed her lips into a firm line before she quietly spoke to the men in the hallway. Ty didn’t relax his stance before Ella until all but two of the men had disappeared. Rolling his shoulders, he slowly straightened.

  “My men have been ordered not to touch the girl again,” Agent Crane said with a slight bow of her head. “They will remain in close proximity. I will speak with my superiors. Until then, I ask that you all please wait in the den.”

  “President Kodiak and I will also be having a word with your superiors,” Art Bearclaw growled as he walked by.

  “I’m sure you will,” Agent Crane dryly muttered before she turned away and pulled out her cell phone.

  Ty lowered his head until his forehead touched Ella’s and closed his eyes as he drew in a deep, calming breath. He didn’t care what Agent Crane’s superiors said. He would not allow them to take Ella away from him. His eyes opened when he felt Ella touch his chest.

  “I won’t let them take me away,” Ella informed him with a defiant expression.

  “I won’t either,” Ty tenderly replied. He lifted his hand and gently brushed back a strand of loose hair from her face. “I love you, Ella.”

  “I love you, too,” she whispered.

  “Ty, let’s go into the other room,” Ben quietly suggested. “I’ll take a look at Ella and make sure she is okay.”

  Ty nodded, slowly stepping back. He wrapped his arm protectively around her waist and pulled her close as they walked between the two men stationed at the door to the small den. His father closed the door once they were all inside.

  “They have men positioned outside the window. I hope they are freezing their asses off,” Tracy remarked, standing at the window.

  “Art, what did Michaela have to say?” Lena asked in concern.

  “She is trying to find out who on the cabinet opened their big mouth and ordered this. She hasn’t told anyone about Ella yet, and she knows none of her men did. They are completely loyal to her,” Art replied, running his hand over his chin. “She suspects it was her National Security advisor, but who informed him is another matter.”

  “Why would they think Ella is a National Security threat?” Tracy asked, turning to look at her parents.

  “She is different,” Art sighed. “Michaela warned me that this could cause a minor sensation. After all, it changes history as we know it.”

  “Who knows what they were told. Your father is right, though, this will change history. We all knew it was just a matter of time before word got out about Ella’s existence,” Lena added, rising from the chair where she was sitting when Martha stepped into the room with a tray of refreshments.

  “Nosy men! They were prowling around my kitchen while I was preparing the tray. You’d think they were afraid I was going to arm you with the silverware!” Martha grumbled as she placed the tray on the coffee table in front of Ella. “I’ve made your favorites, love. This will help you a little.”

  “Thank you, Martha,” Ella murmured with a smile. “I love your cheese biscuits and tea.”

  “I’ve added a few of those cookies that you like as well,” Martha chuckled before she straightened and looked at Ty. “Just to warn you, I saw a bunch of vehicles outside the fence and a line of people. I think the media heard about our Ella, as well.”

  “Great!” Ty grumbled in discontent.

  “It was bound to happen, Ty,” Art replied.

  Tracy nodded, hanging up her phone which had buzzed just a minute before. “That was Van and Peterson, they called to let me know that it is all over the news. Someone has been extremely busy.”

  They all turned when the door opened again. This time Agent Crane appeared more subdued than before. She paused, looking around the room before her gaze froze on Ella and Ty.

  “I have been instructed to provide additional protection for you and your family,” Agent Crane said. “News of the human has just broken out on national television. At the moment, it was decided that the safest place for her is here.”

  “Who told the media?” Ty asked, rising to his feet.

  “We don’t know,” Agent Crane replied stiffly. “I’ve asked for additional assistance from the local law enforcement. Things are about to get crazy.”

  Ella paused in the process of picking up one of the cheese biscuits and sighed. “It has been that way ever since I met Ty,” she said with a wry smile. “Life was much simpler when I was extinct.”

  “Yes, it was,” Agent Crane muttered under her breath before she turned back to the door. “You are welcome to move around the house, but I would request that everyone stay inside until we can secure the grounds.”

  “We will,” Ty said, rising to his feet. “I need to call Rhyanna and ask her to take over the daily running of the Observatory for a while until things settle down. Badger is going to love this!”

  “We’ll stay with Ella while you take care of things,” his mother said, staring out of the window. “This is worse than when Michaela became president!”

  “I’ll call Van and Peterson back,” Tracy said, peering outside. “I want them on the security team.”


  The Collector sat in the black SUV at the entrance to the road leading down to the Bearclaw estate. A series of vans and cars swarmed by, some of them turning so fast that they came close to losing control on the icy road. A grim smile curved the Collector’s mouth when the cell phone on the passenger seat began to vibrate. Glancing at the number, the Collector picked up the phone.

  “Yes,” the Collector g
reeted, watching as another news van turned. “Of course. I’ll take care of everything. Goodbye.”

  As soon as the call disconnected, the Collector pressed the number one on the keypad. The phone rang several times, which was highly unusual. Concern darkened his eyes as he stared at the horde of shifters gathered further down the road.

  “I’m here,” the voice on the other end said in a rough, husky tone.

  “It’s done,” the Collector said. “Badger?”

  “Left the country. I’m searching for him,” the man replied. “What of Wyland?”

  “She escaped before the Secret Service could catch her. She is currently in Eastern Europe. The Hyena stated he didn’t know anything. He was released on bond and has disappeared,” The Collector stated.

  “I need to lay low for a while,” the man murmured. “I’ll continue to search for Badger, though.”

  The Collector frowned. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine,” the man replied in a clipped tone before he released a long breath. “I need time to heal away from prying eyes. They are used to me disappearing. I’ll keep in contact.”

  “If you need assistance, let me know,” the Collector instructed. “It is a good thing that the female is the last of her kind.”

  “She’s not,” the man retorted in a stiff voice.

  The Collector drew in a deep, hissing breath. “Are you sure? I was informed that there were no others, that they had perished.”

  “Positive,” the man said. “That is one reason I’m disappearing for a while. With Badger on the loose and with Wyland’s financial support, they are in danger.”

  “Let me know what you find out,” the Collector said, deep in thought. “This may change things.”

  “I will.”

  The Collector slowly lowered the phone and dropped it back into the passenger seat. Staring out the window, a deeper appreciation for the human began to build. Perhaps there was still a way to make a profit off of the situation. Leaning forward, the Collector shifted the SUV into drive and carefully pulled away.

  Life had just become much more interesting. The anonymous phone call to certain key political and media sources had proven successful. If everything worked out, a vow made centuries before would be honored.

  Chapter 27

  Later that night, Ella stood by the window in theirTy’s and her living quarters. Ty was quietly talking to Tracy, Van, and Peterson. She had finally wandered over to the window, curious and fascinated by all the excitement over her existence. She stared out into the night. In the distance, behind the tall wrought iron gates, she could see the lights from several dozen news organizations. Headlights from cars driving by and the colorful lights of the authorities lighting up the sky, blocking out the stars with their ambient light.

  “Pretty incredible, isn’t it?” Tracy said, coming to stand next to her.

  “Yes,” Ella softly replied.

  “How are you doing?” Tracy asked, turning to look at Ella instead of the gathering crowd.

  Ella’s lips curved up in a rueful smile. “Better than a couple of weeks ago,” she admitted. “My talk with Ben this morning helped.”

  “Why? What was wrong?” Tracy asked, worried.

  Ella glanced at Tracy and released a dry laugh before she looked away again. “Do you remember when we went to Ben’s clinic after you and Ty rescued me from that woman’s house?”

  Tracy nodded. “Yes,” she said, confused. “I overheard Ben swear to Ty that you weren’t hurt.”

  Ella swallowed and slid her hand down over her stomach. “I wasn’t. Ty insisted that Ben examine me to make sure. He wouldn’t even let Ben take care of his own injuries until Ben had given me a thorough examination to make sure I was okay,” Ella explained. “He ran some tests and one of the tests came up positive.”

  “A pregnancy test,” Tracy murmured, suddenly understanding. “We thought it was the trauma of your kidnapping that had made you so withdrawn. But… why would you be upset about being pregnant? You love my brother, don’t you?”

  Ella glanced at Tracy and nodded. “Yes, very much,” she assured Tracy. “I was upset because of the tales I was told growing up. This morning, I finally had the nerve to ask Ben about them. I wanted to ensure that Ty and my child lived, even if it meant…. Ella swallowed and glanced at Ty. He was staring at her, even as he nodded to something that Peterson was saying to Van and himself. “I have been raised to believe that any child between a shifter and a human meant death for the human mother. The shifter child would eat its way out of the mother’s body. If the child was more human than shifter, then the shifters would kill it. Either way, it would be a death sentence for me and possibly for my child.”

  Tracy drew in a loud, surprised breath and shook her head. “That’s crazy! I’ve never heard of a shifter baby doing anything like that to its mother! As far as us killing a baby, that is just… disgusting! Surely you don’t believe that Ty would ever kill a child, much less his own?” She demanded.

  “I knew he wouldn’t kill our child, but I wasn’t sure about the other,” Ella admitted, folding her arms protectively around her waist. “All I had were the stories I was raised with. What else was I supposed to believe? Ben explained how shifters were born and that very few mothers died in childbirth. It sounded very similar to our births.”

  “Thank goodness,” Tracy breathed with a strained laugh. “You had me worried there for a minute there. Ben is the best of the best. He’ll take care of you and your cubs.”

  “That’s what he said,” Ella replied, still staring out at the lights.

  “What’s wrong? Something else is bothering you,” Tracy said, touching Ella’s right arm. “You know we are here for you, don’t you? If there is anything you are worried about or don’t understand, just ask.”

  Ella hesitated before she turned to gaze into Tracy’s eyes. She could see the truth behind Tracy’s words. This woman, not much older than herself, reminded her so much of Jayden. A wave of homesickness washed over Ella.

  “What’s wrong?” Ty demanded.

  Ella sniffed and blinked, trying to clear the sudden tears in her eyes. Ben had warned her that she might become emotional, that women throughout their pregnancy often did. It would appear that he was right.

  “I miss Jayden,” Ella muttered, wiping at her eyes. “It is freezing out there and I’m in here. What is going to happen if the rest of the world finds out about them, Ty? Look how crazy they are and there is just me! What would they do if they found the others? What happens if they start looking for them?” She whispered, staring at the glittering lights. “What have I done?”

  Ty glanced at Tracy, who nodded in understanding. He carefully drew Ella into his arms, holding her close to his body and resting his head on the top of hers. Behind him, he heard the door to their rooms open and close. He carefully turned her in his arms.

  “Tracy, Van, Peterson, and I have already been talking about that. They are the only ones that know about the others and where they were last seen. They are going to go warn them and offer them sanctuary,” Ty quietly explained. “We will do everything we can to protect not only your clan, Ella, but any other humans that might be out there.”

  “They won’t trust you,” Ella murmured, resting her head against his chest. “They won’t trust the shifters.”

  “We’ll do whatever we have to do in order to convince them. We’ll reassure your people that we don’t want to harm them,” Ty said. “Dad said my aunt is calling a special session with the heads of the Congress. She is asking for funds to create a safe haven for any and all humans that may still exist. She is also calling for laws to be immediately enacted to make it illegal to harm any human. There are already laws in place to protect any artifacts or known historical sites where humans once dwelled. She wants those laws to be expanded to include living humans. Don’t underestimate her, Ella. My aunt is a very intelligent woman with a lot of power. She is also a very popular leader. She wants you to speak on behalf
of the humans before Congress in a few weeks.”

  “She wants me to….” Ella’s eyes grew large with shock. “Are you crazy?! I can’t speak in front of… of other shifters!”

  “I’ll be there beside you,” Ty promised, lifting his hands and cupping her cheeks. “We’ll do it together. We’ll convince them of how rare, how precious, you and your people are. They’ll love you, Ella.”

  “What if they don’t?” She asked, afraid. “What if they want to hunt down my friends and my clan and destroy them?”

  “We won’t let them,” Ty swore. “It is time to give your people a place where they are safe from fear, Ella. Even if they choose to remain in the forest and mountains, they should be able to do it without wondering if they will survive a harsh winter, drought, or loss of their homes because of a shifter.”

  “I won’t tell them about my clan,” Ella warned, staring up at him with a determined expression. “I will only speak of myself. I will not betray them any more than I have already done.”

  “I know you won’t, and neither will I or the others,” Ty promised. “You are a true treasure, Ella. I hope your clan will one day realize that.”

  “I hope that one day they will forgive me,” she whispered, staring up at him with a dark sorrow in her eyes.


  Ty gazed into her eyes, his heart bleeding for the sorrow he saw reflected there. Bending, he captured her lips, kissing her as if there were no tomorrow. He wanted to pull the sadness away from her, set it ablaze, and cast the ashes to the wind so that it could never touch her again.

  Ella deserved happiness. She was a beautiful, strong woman with an incredibly magnificent soul. Her spirit and her love for her people captured his heart, and he wanted to protect her from all the horrors that lurked in the dark shadows.

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