Ella and the Beast Read online

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  “Thank you, Michaela,” Ty replied.

  “Art, can you please ask Martha for some of her lovely tea? I’d like a moment alone with my nephew,” Michaela said with a pointed look at the detective and her men.

  “Of course, Michaela,” Art said with a nod. “Rhianna, you should probably drink some as well. Lena is with Martha in the kitchen. Rhyanna, why don’t we join them? I’m thinking a nice touch of whiskey might not be a bad idea at the moment.”

  “We’ll see what the detectives have found and check the tapes,” Tracy added, glancing at the detective who was staring at Michaela in awe.

  “Yes, of course,” the detective replied, bowing his head in respect when Michaela gave him a brilliant smile.


  Ty watched as two of Michaela’s security personnel closed the doors to the den. His aunt walked over to the settee. She dropped her gloves onto the table before removing her jacket. She tossed it over the back of the settee before turning to sit down.

  “Tell me about her,” Michaela requested in a quiet voice.

  A shudder ran through Ty and he walked over to the window to stare out at the variety of vehicles on the driveway. His gaze locked on a dark shadow that moved near the entrance to the garden. A moment later, he saw a second shadow appear. Van and Peterson were in their wolf form.

  “Her name is Ella. Several months ago I received a call about a nuisance animal breaking into buildings near the Olympic National Forest boundary. When I went to investigate, I discovered that one of the ranchers had dug a pit on federal property,” his voice faded.

  “I hope you beat the shit out of the bastard. He should have known better,” Michaela replied with a shake of her head. “Sometimes I just can’t believe that some shifters would even think about reproducing! I swear there should be a test or license to do so. Some of us are just better off with pets as kids. I, for one, found that much more enjoyable.”

  Ty released a strained laugh and turned to look at his aunt. Her no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is approach was one of the things that people either liked, or hated, about her. She didn’t mince her words when she was in private, and often didn’t when in public; even if the situation called for it.

  “I wanted to,” he admitted. “I was more concerned with making sure that no unsuspecting hiker had fallen into the trap. When I arrived, I found Ella.”

  Michaela smiled at him. “What did she say?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “I imagine she must have been as terrified of you as you were shocked by her.”

  A dry chuckle escaped Ty and he ran his hand over his chest. It ached when he thought of Ella. His gaze turned back to the area where Van and Peterson had been.

  “She asked me to kill her swiftly. Then she told me her name. She said she wanted me to know who was going to come back and haunt me after she was dead,” his voice trembled and his throat closed up on the last word. He bowed his head. “She said she hoped I choked when I ate her. She honestly thought that I was going to.”

  Michaela rose from the settee and walked over to him. She slidHe felt her slide her arm around him and hugged him close. He turned and held onto her as a shudder ran through him.

  “You can’t blame her,” Michaela whispered. “You know her discovery is going to cause a sensation.”

  “I know,” Ty replied, pulling back when there was a knock on the door.

  Michaela squeezed his arm, then turned to call out permission to enter. His father, mother, and Martha stepped into the room. He started when he felt a vibration in his front pocket. Reaching for his phone, he pulled it out and glanced at it. His eyes widened when he saw the text message. Hope exploded through him and he drew in a harsh breath.

  “What is it?” Michaela asked, turning when she heard his hiss.

  Ty looked up at his aunt, his eyes glittering with determination. His gaze swept behind the group to see his sister’s furious face. She held a small stack of photos in her hand.

  “It’s Ella,” he said in a quiet voice. “She still has the cell phone I gave her with her. She said she is in the back of a transport.”

  “I found out how they got in,” Tracy said, holding up the photos. “I’m running a search on a tattoo that one of them has on his arm. Van and Peterson said they followed their trail to a side street half a mile from here. That’s where they blew one of the transformers, which is what knocked out the power. They have the power company retrieving the pieces so they can trace the explosives and find out where they were purchased.”

  “I can lock on Ella’s cell phone,” Ty said, walking toward the door. “Call Van and Peterson in. I’m going after her.”

  “I’ll have my men go with you,” Michaela said, nodding to the two men standing by the door.

  “We can handle this,” Ty stated.

  “Yes, but you can’t kill them without causing an incident,” Michaela replied with a sharp-toothed grin. “My men have a license to shoot anyone who threatens me or my family.”

  “They are ready,” one of Michaela’s guards stated, handing Ty a small communication device. “Just speak into this. The team will follow the directions you give them.”

  Ty took the piece and nodded. “Thanks, let’s go,” he said, glancing at his sister.

  Chapter 23

  Ella shivered and curled up as tightly as she could in the narrow space. She had been confused and disoriented when she had first awakened. She wasn’t sure how long she was unconscious. It had taken her several minutes to get control of the rest of her body. Over the rumble of the car, she could hear the sound of a man’s voice.

  She drew in a deep breath of the cold air. It helped to clear the fog from her brain. Her fingers moved to a small light shining through a panel slightly above her head. Working it free, she saw a glowing glass bulb, similar to the lights like the ones on Ty’s vehicle.

  Forcing her body to relax, she ran her hands over the interior, searching for anything she could use as a weapon. She clenched her fingers in frustration when she discovered the interior was empty except for a large blanket that had fallen behind her. Whoever took her must have used it to keep her warm. That told her they wanted her alive.

  She ran her hand down along her leg, pausing when she felt the slight lump near her hip. Her fingers traced the rectangular form of her cell phone. Pulling her sweater up, she worked the phone out of her pocket.

  She glanced down, trying to focus on the screen when it lit up. Sliding her finger across the smooth glass, she touched the numbers to unlock it. Almost immediately, the last message from Ty appeared on the screen. Tears blurred her vision as she gazed down at it for several long seconds before she carefully typed in the letters.

  In back of a vehicle. Dark. Don’t know where I am. LY.

  She waited, hoping that Ty would get her message. She bit her lip when his message appeared. Closing her eyes, she slid the phone back into her pocket. Ty’s message burned like a ghostly figure in her mind.

  Coming for you. Hide your phone, but keep it turned on. It will lead us to you. LY more.

  Ella reached behind her and pulled the blanket back over her shivering body. She had to stay alive. Ty had said he would come for her and she knew he would. Still, if she had a chance to escape, she would.


  Ella’s head jerked around when the car slowed and stopped. A moment later, she heard the sound of first one, then a second car door opening and closing. Her heart hammered in her chest when she heard the sound of footsteps drawing closer. Several seconds passed before the trunk of the vehicle opened and a small but powerful light blinded her.

  “You’re awake, good. You can walk,” a man’s husky voice said.

  A low moan escaped Ella when strong fingers wrapped around her arm and pulled her into a sitting position. She struggled to climb out. When she didn’t move fast enough, the man growled and yanked on the back of her sweater. She gasped as she tumbled over the edge of the trunk and hit the ground.

  “Come on. It’s cold o
ut,” the man demanded, bending to grab her arm again.

  Ella rolled to the side and kicked the man as hard as she could in the groin. His harsh yell sounded loud in the darkness. Twisting around, she scrambled to her feet. She didn’t get very far. A loud scream of rage burst from her lips when an arm wrapped around her waist and her feet left the ground. The cry was cut short when she was slammed back against the side of the vehicle. The force knocked the wind out of her and left her gasping for breath, and pain flashed through her when her hip hit the door handle.

  “I think not. I’ve been paid handsomely for you already, my dear prize, with more to come. I’m not about to let you escape me that easily,” a cold voice whispered in her ear.

  Ella struggled to break free, but the arms locked around her squeezed hardertighter, making it impossible to breathe. Only when she finally stopped did he relax his hold on her. She drew in a deep breath, letting the cold air fill her starving lungs.

  “If you try to escape again, I’ll break your leg,” the man warned. “You won’t need it for what my client has planned for you. Do you understand me?”

  Ella glared at the man. She wasn’t sure what type of beast he changed into, but something told her it must be a very dangerous one. He had black hair, touched on the side with silver similar to Ty’s, but his face was different. His nose was broader, his lips thinner, and his brow much more pronounced.

  Her scrutiny was cut short when he suddenly leaned forward and captured her lips. She held herself perfectly still, not fighting and not responding. She would get her chance to strike back sooner or later, and when it came, she would strike hard.

  The man finally pulled back and released an amused chuckle. His gaze swept over her face. He raised an eyebrow, and she could see a strange glint of curiosity in his eyes.

  “Maybe I’ll add a night with you to my price tag,” the man chuckled.

  Ella just stared back at him in silence. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of thinking she was afraid of him. She wasn’t. Ty said he was coming.

  “Let me at her,” the man she had kicked demanded, coming up behind the man holding her.

  Ella grabbed the truck when the huge man suddenly released her. She watched as he swung around and hit the other man in the jaw, knocking him back to the ground in the snow. Her eyes widened in horror when he glanced back at her and grinned. His face had shifted. Black hair tinged with silver covered it. His nose and mouth were more pronounced and rounded. Sharp, yellow teeth filled his mouth.

  “What type of beast are you?” She asked, trying to keep the tremble from her voice.

  “Gorilla,” the man stated, shaking his head and rolling his shoulders. “We are fast and mean – remember that.”

  Ella looked at the man rolling over onto his side and spitting blood out onto the snow. He was short and lean compared to the one standing in front of her. She nodded her head.

  “And him?” Ella asked, returning her gaze to the gorilla man.


  “Time to go. The boss will be here soon,” Gorilla man said, grabbing her arm in a bruising grip again.

  Ella stumbled before righting herself. She didn’t bother trying to pull her arm away. She could feel the crushing power in the man’s hand. Something told her that he was serious when he said he would break her leg, and possibly more, if she resisted.


  “Yes?” The man answered.

  “The artifact was taken,” the collector stated.

  The man was silent. The collector stood staring out at the snow. The cold outside had seeped into the collector’s soul. There was a code of honor that the collector followed: steal without harm, never go back on a deal, and use the profits for good. The collector had never questioned that code until now.

  “What happened?” The man asked.

  The collector’s gaze narrowed on the grainy image of the security feed from the Bearclaw’s house. A dark, yet familiar form entered through a side door. The lean figure belonged to a thief the collector knew all too well.

  “The Hyena,” the collector replied. “I suspect our client decided to find cheaper assistance in acquiring the item he wanted.”

  “What do you plan to do?” The man asked in a husky tone. “You know my feelings about this job.”

  “Yes,” the collector replied. “Locate Theodore Badger. Theodore will know what is going on and where the human was taken. Be careful, the Bearclaws have powerful support now.”

  “What are you going to do?” The man asked.

  “I believe it is time to visit an old adversary,” the collector commented.

  “Be careful,” the man said.

  “Always,” the collector responded. “Find Theodore and you will find the human.”

  The collector disconnected the call and stared out at the night. The night belonged to those born to it. The collector picked up a small bag containing his clothing. Within minutes, a huge snowy owl flew through the night sky, a small bag clutched in its claws.


  Ty glanced at the GPS. “Turn left onto Highway 16,” he instructed.

  Tracy nodded and checked to make sure the way was clear before she made the turn. Behind them, three large black SUVs followed. Tracy picked up speed and merged with the light traffic.

  “It looks like she is on Fox Island,” Ty said, expanding the map.

  “Who in the hell knew about her? I know none of us told anyone,” Tracy said in aggravation.

  “I don’t know, but I plan to find out,” Ty replied grimly, looking out the window.

  “Did Michaela say anything about what the government might do about the humans?” Tracy asked.

  “No. If anything happens to Ella…,” Ty started to say before he shook his head. “Ella once told me that she thought she had been selfish for risking her people to keep me alive. In reality, I’m the one who has been selfish one. I’ve risked her life for my own self-centered reasons, without thought to her or the other humans.”

  Tracy shot him a fierce glance. “You are not being selfish and neither is Ella,” she retorted. “It is obvious you adore her and from what I’ve seen, the feeling is mutual. There is no reason you two shouldn’t find happiness. Ella is an incredible find in more ways than just her being human. She is your mate, Ty. That is an unbelievable gift in itself. You should never, ever feel guilty, selfish, or any of those other negative things, about that. If you do, I’ll kick your ass to help remind you of that.”

  Ty’s lips twitched. Leave it to Tracy to remind him to grasp life by the balls and not let go. He stared out at the road, she was right. There was no looking back now.

  “Thanks, Tracy,” Ty murmured.

  “Any time, Ty,” Tracy replied. “Where to now?”

  Ty blinked and looked down at his phone. “Next left, then take the road around,” he said.

  “We’ll get her out safely,” Tracy murmured, leaning forward.

  “Damn right we will,” Ty muttered under his breath, feeling his bear stirring in agitation.

  Soon, my friend, he assured his bear. Soon, I’ll let you out.


  “This is it,” Ty muttered into the com link that he was given.

  Tracy slowed and pulled to a stop. She turned off the truck and cut the lights. Across from them, a huge house with a long curving driveway sat back among the tall trees. The property was surrounded by a six-foot-high, wrought iron fence.

  “Nice place,” Tracy murmured, staring out of the windshield.

  Ty pulled on his hat. “I’m going in,” he muttered, releasing his seat belt.

  “Wait!” Tracy warned, nodding toward one of the large trees. “Whoever lives here has a pretty advanced security system.”

  Ty turned when a knock on the window next to him drew his attention. One of his aunt’s men waited for him to open the door. Ty reached up and turned the overhead light off before he opened the door. A numbing shaft of cold air quickly sucked the heat out of the cab.

>   “Three of the men will take care of the cameras,” the man stated, pulling out a tranquilizer gun.

  “Do you know who owns the place?” Tracy asked, leaning forward.

  The man nodded his head. “It is listed to an Isabella Wyland. Have you heard of her before?” He asked.

  Ty nodded his head. “Yes. She is one of the benefactors who supports the Observatory. I’ve never met her, but her contributions have been very helpful over the years,” he replied with a frown.

  The agent touched his ear and paused. Ty watched as the man glanced back at the house. He spoke quietly into his mike.

  “They are just outside the house,” the agent quietly informed them. “We’ll go in and search for the girl.”

  “Not without us,” Ty stated, pushing the door open.

  The agent stepped back. “President Kodiak warned us you’d want to come,” the man replied with a slight grin. “I understand your desire to help, but it could endanger the girl’s life. We are trained specifically for this type of mission.”

  Ty stepped out of the truck and turned to look at the house set far away from the road. His bear roared at him to ignore the man and charge the house, but he knew the agent was right. He refused to do anything that could place Ella in more danger. He started when he felt a light touch on his sleeve. He turned back to the man.

  “Once we have the house secured, we’ll call you,” the agent promised.

  Ty nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets. “We’ll wait,” he promised.

  Ty watched as the agent hesitated for a moment before he turned away. He and Tracy watched in amazement as the man removed his outer coat and tossed it across the hood of the truck. Within a blink of an eye, the man shifted without removing the rest of his clothing. The form-fitting black fabric conformed to his animal shape of a large lowland gorilla. The gun filled with tranquilizers hung from around the gorilla’s shoulder.

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