Behr's Rebel: featuring the prequel Raia's Pets Read online

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  Holding her breath, Raia pulled her backpack around to her chest and pressed her back against the massive metal beam. She focused on slowing her breathing and remained motionless. She leaned her head back and waited.

  “Let’s just write this up. This is the third time this week that Frope has accused someone of bringing a pet into his shop and stealing from him,” one of the guards breathlessly groaned.

  “Do you think it was the same creature that was seen down on Level 2?” the other guard asked.

  “Sounds like it to me. I’ll ask Command to send a trapper for it. It probably came in off one of the ships….”

  Raia breathed a sigh of relief when the guards’ voices faded as they walked away. The sound of metal-against-metal came to her from the alley. She tightened her arms around her backpack. The narrow section was a service passage. It was barely wide enough for her to fit in.

  Gnawing on her bottom lip, she peered around the beam. She could see the two security personnel still standing across from the shops. She took a deep breath, pulled her backpack back on, and stuffed the small bag of credits into the inner pocket of her dark brown jacket.

  “Well, you wanted to have an exciting birthday,” she muttered.

  Gripping the straps of her backpack, she slowly began walking down the alley. She kept reminding herself that this spaceport wasn’t like the others that she and Ander usually visited. This one was more upscale. There were no monsters hiding in the dark alley, waiting to slit the throats of an unwary visitor.

  At least I hope there aren’t, she silently prayed.

  Her footsteps faltered when the sound of metal-on-metal rang through the alley again. It sounded like someone was banging on something—like they were trying to open a metal door or grate. She cautiously peered behind a large electrical box. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a small light and turned it on. The banging stopped, and a pair of luminous eyes peered up at her out of the darkness.

  “It’s you!” she quietly hissed, staring down at the bundle of tan and white fur.

  The fur ball had been banging on a heavy metal lock that held a small cage closed. Pieces of partially eaten fruit lay scattered around the cage with a variety of other items. The bars were scraped and chipped, and broken pieces of metal lay on the ground, testaments to previous failed attempts to open the cage.

  “Hey, do you need some help?” Raia gently asked.

  She slowly stepped around the electrical box, holding her free hand out. The fur ball climbed on top of the cage and carefully studied her. She giggled when it smiled at her and held out a partially eaten piece of fruit. She shook her head.

  “No, thank you. I’ve already eaten,” she murmured.

  A muffled sniff drew her attention back to the cage. She carefully shrugged off her backpack and knelt. Peering inside the cage, she noticed an adorable creature with large, round eyes, black and white spotted fur, huge rounded ears, tiny paws, and a long fluffy tail. The white, fluffy fur that ran under its chin and down along its chest was filthy. Her heart melted when the light caught the tears glimmering in its large dark eyes.

  “Hey, you look like you could use some help,” she gently said.

  She unzipped the small front pocket of her backpack and pulled out a set of tools that she used for working on the ship’s circuit boards. Shining the light on the lock, she tried to balance it as she pulled free the tool she would need. She blinked in surprise when a pair of small hands reached out and took the light. Four tiny fingers held the light on the lock for her.

  “Thank you!” she breathed.

  Bending forward, she worked the tool into the lock, poking around until she felt the groove for the release. With a skillful twist, she popped the heavy lock open. She grinned triumphantly as she pulled the lock off and opened the cage.

  The former prisoner scurried out and onto her lap. She sat back on her haunches in surprise. The creature lifted its head. Through the dirty fur she could see the red light on a neck collar. Her eyes darkened with fury. This poor creature had been captured by black market poachers.

  “Hang on, and I’ll get this off you. Stay really still,” she instructed.

  Leaning over the creature, she carefully twisted the collar around so that the release was facing her. This lock was going to be tricky. It had a small explosive device that would kill the poor thing. The creature bowed its head and buried its face in her lap while she carefully picked at the lock.

  She paused and wiped her damp palm on her pant leg. Ander had shown her how to disarm locks like this. Heck, he had taught her how to disarm just about every type of lock invented. He’d told her that you never know when you’ll need to get into something—or out of it.

  “There you go,” she said when the light turned green and the collar popped open. “I think I’ll take this back to the ship and tear it apart. I might find out where it came from.”

  The creature looked up at her and tilted its head as if it understood and was thoughtfully considering her. She giggled in return. Its large, rounded ears twitched back and forth, and Raia affectionately scratched the soft fur on top of its head before gently lifting it and placing it on the ground.

  Pulling her backpack toward her, she unzipped it and placed the collar inside. Ander might know which poachers used a device like this. He knew all kinds of cool things. She grinned when the other creature grabbed her hand and looked at it.

  “No, you can’t have my ring. Ander gave it to me,” she said, curling her fingers when the furball tried to pull the white gold and diamond ring off.

  She gasped softly when the furball laid its tiny hand on hers. Images floated through her mind—images that were coming from the creature. She frowned in confusion. Ander had never told her about any telepathic animals.

  A beep startled her and the two creatures. She scowled down at the communicator on her wrist, rolling her eyes when she saw Ander’s blue-green, scaly face scowling back at her. Pushing up off the ground, she glanced both ways along the alley before she answered.

  “Hey, Ander,” she cheerfully greeted.

  The scowl on his face darkened. “Go down the alley away from the market, turn left, and I’ll meet you,” he ordered.

  “Aw, Ander,” she complained. “I haven’t found a present yet!”

  “Given the commotion the Tiliqua is causing, you’ve had enough excitement,” he dryly replied.

  She rolled her eyes again, forgetting that he could see her, and kicked at a piece of litter on the ground. “I didn’t do anything,” she muttered.

  Ander’s expression softened. “I know you didn’t. Come meet me. I have something I think you might like.”

  “Okay,” she mumbled, disconnecting the connection and sighing loudly.

  Turning around, she frowned when she noticed that both of the cute but bizarre creatures had disappeared while she was talking to Ander. She huffed out a heavy sigh and shrugged her shoulders in disappointment. It was probably just as well. Ander had a strict rule of no animals on the ship.

  She reached down, zipped her backpack up, and slung it over her right shoulder. Her foot hit the cage, and she looked down at it with a frown. Biting her lip in indecision, she cast a sweeping scan of the area. The last thing she wanted was for the spotted animal, or maybe the mischievous fur ball, to get trapped again.

  Halfway down the alley was a recycling chute. Pleased with her idea, she picked up the small metal cage, pulled open the refuse box and deposited the offending cage down the chute. Wiping her hands, she took off down the alley, pausing when she reached the end to peer around the corner before turning left. A wry smile curved her lips when Ander straightened from where he had been leaning against the wall. She nodded toward the box and a colorfully wrapped package in his arms.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” she asked.

  He smiled and nodded. “Yes, Happy Birthday, Raia,” he said, holding out the wrapped package.

  “What did you get me? Can I open it now?
” she asked with a huge grin.

  She eagerly skipped toward him and reached for the thick package. Shaking it gently to see if it rattled, she tested the weight, trying to guess what was inside. It felt solid. Ander chuckled, wrapped his tail around her waist, and pulled her into a tight hug.

  “Happy Birthday,” he muttered before releasing her.

  She grinned up at him. “Thanks, Ander,” she said.

  “Do you want me to carry it?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No, I can carry it,” she replied, hugging her gift against her chest.

  He chuckled again and placed his arm around her shoulders. “So, are you going to tell me what happened?” he asked.

  She sighed loudly. “I swear it was so weird!” she began, walking beside him as he turned around and they retraced their steps back to the docking bays.


  Pi paused and waited for Chummy. The small, fluffy, brown and white Marica Peekaboo wiggled her nose at her hesitant companion. Chummy was favoring his front right paw. She didn’t miss Chummy’s worried glance at the young creature standing with the large Tearnat. Nor did she miss the way Chummy’s fur stood up on the back of his neck when the large reptilian reached out, wrapped his tail around the young girl’s waist, and pulled her against him. She placed a paw against Chummy’s side to calm him.

  He not hurting her. Look, she happy, Pi silently conveyed.

  Raia… I like her, Chummy replied.

  She good. We keep her, Pi said, turning her large, warm, dark chocolate-colored eyes to Chummy.

  Chummy rubbed his head against her in agreement. Pi could sense the Quazin Chumloo’s exhaustion, pain, and fear. In her daily search for food and treasures, she had discovered Chummy in the back storeroom of the Tiliqua’s shop. Pi didn’t need her ability to see the future to know what would have happened to Chummy. The Tiliqua was going to kill him and use his unusual fur to make a wrap for one of the wealthy patrons living on Sanapare.

  Even though she had whisked Chummy away using her ability to teleport, she couldn’t open the cage or remove the deadly collar around his neck. She had spent the morning scouring the area for the key or a tool she could use to unlock the cage. In her last search for the key in the Tiliqua’s shop, she had spotted the young girl and known immediately that their destinies were entwined.

  What about the Tearnat? Chummy uneasily inquired.

  Pi studied the reptilian being and wiggled her nose. He wouldn’t be happy once he found them, but she also knew he wouldn’t harm them—or do anything to upset Raia. Still, her visions weren’t always right.

  We be safe, Pi reassured Chummy.

  Chummy snorted and shook his head. I not so sure, he grumbled.

  Pi snickered, turned, and pulled Chummy against her when he sagged. She knew which ship the girl and Tearnat were going to, and quickly visualized the docking tube. With the image firmly in her mind, their bodies shimmered, and then they vanished.

  Chummy shook his head to clear the dizziness and slid off of Pi’s back.

  I no like it when you poppies in and out, he thought as he flopped over onto his back and stared up at the metal ceiling.

  A noise to his left made him look, and he flashed a weak smile when Pi snorted at him and shook her head. Tilting his head to follow Pi’s movements, he watched with amusement as she explored what was obviously Raia’s bedroom.

  She disappeared and reappeared with dizzying speed. It reminded him of the first time he’d seen her several days ago. He’d been barely aware of her at first because of the drugs the trappers had used.

  He blinked when Pi appeared beside him and laid her hand against his brow. He could sense her concern for him and emitted a small, reassuring purr. The last of his fear drained away when she shared the vision of their future together with Raia.

  You sure? he asked, staring up at her with hope-filled eyes.

  I sure, she confidently replied.

  The sound of footsteps and voices echoed along the corridor outside the cabin. He rolled onto his belly and sat up, warily watching the door. Pi crawled up next to him, listening as well. Raia and the Tearnat continued past the cabin without stopping.

  What we do now? he asked.

  Pi gazed at him with twinkling eyes. You sleep. I explore, she said with a mischievous grin.

  Chummy wrinkled his nose when Pi suddenly disappeared again. He lifted his injured paw to his mouth and licked the wound he’d received from his attempts to escape the cage. Lowering his paw, he yawned and sleepily blinked as he carefully studied the room. A large, fluffy red pillow on the bed enticed his curiosity, making him wonder if it was as soft as it looked.

  With a wiggle of his nose, the pillow rose off the bed and floated down to the floor, landing in front of him. He placed his front paws on the pillow and pushed it across the floor and under the bed. With one last nudge, he climbed onto the pillow, circled three times, and settled down with a purr of contentment.

  We have a good pet, he thought with a happy sigh.

  Raia placed the last of the dishes in the sanitizer before she wiped down the counter and table. Tossing the damp towel next to the sink, she picked up the birthday gift Ander had given her from the bench seat and exited the galley. She walked along the narrow corridor to the bridge. Climbing the three steps, she plopped into the co-pilot seat, resting one leg over the arm of the chair, and stared out into deep space.

  “I’m sorry we couldn’t stay any longer,” Ander gruffly said after a few minutes of silence.

  She sighed and shrugged. “There wasn’t much to see. Most of the junk there was way overpriced,” she replied.

  “I hope you like your gift,” he said.

  She looked down at the heavy book on her lap and traced a finger across the battered cover. The gift was typical of Ander. She opened the book, flicking through the pages.

  “It’s great, Ander. What girl wouldn’t want a copy of—” She paused and studied the writing. It had been a while since she had read this language. “—The Complete History of the United States and the Con— Constitution,” she mumbled with a frown. “Where is the United States?” she asked.

  Ander paused, and she studied his face. “It’s about the planet where I found you,” he quietly answered.

  She looked at him in surprise. “I thought you said you bought me from an Antrox because I was too boney to be used for Pactor food,” she said.

  “Yeah, well, I wanted to wait until you were old enough to understand what really happened,” he responded.

  She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow at him. “Don’t you think the truth would have been better than letting me think I was about to be a Pactor snack?” she inquired.

  He gave her a sharp-toothed grin and tapped the book on her lap with the tip of his tail. “I didn’t want to scare you,” he said.

  She shook her head and sat back in her seat. “So, if I wasn’t meant to be Pactor food, what is the truth?” she demanded.

  Ander sighed, switched on the auto-pilot, and rose from his seat. With a wave of his hand, he motioned for her to follow him. She grunted and rose from her seat.

  He exited the bridge and walked down the corridor to the far cabin, which he had converted into his office. The door opened, and she stepped in behind him. She stood at the door and watched as he walked over to a set of storage drawers.

  The room was filled with artifacts from all over the star systems. She was so used to all the different pieces that she had never really thought about the significance of each relic. She had grown up digging in dirt on far-off planets and visiting less discriminating shops on hundreds of asteroid mines and Spaceports scattered throughout the known galaxies.

  “What are you looking for?” she asked.

  Ander pulled a small box out of the drawer and wiped his large blue-green palm over the top. There was no dust on it thanks to the advanced filtration system he had installed when he purchased the freighter.

  She stepped closer when h
e set the box on the built-in desk and took off the lid. Curious, she put her book down next to the box and peered inside. On top was a small leather wallet.

  She reached in and pulled it out. She turned it over in her hands, examining it before she opened it. Inside, there was a plastic card. She turned the wallet to study the image. Her breath caught as vague images filled her mind. Breathing through her mouth, she closed her eyes and tried to capture the memory.

  “What do you remember?” he gently asked.

  She hissed in frustration and shook her head. “The man is laughing. He is saying something funny. I—there’s a bright light that hurt my eyes. I see a woman. She has long black hair, like me.” She lifted her hand and touched her hair. “He was alone. I was crying because she wasn’t there,” her voice faded, and she looked at Ander with tears in her eyes.

  Ander sighed, wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her against him. “He was your human father,” he said.

  She wiped away the tear sliding down her cheek. “What happened?” she demanded.

  Ander released her and slowly pulled out the other items in the box. He placed each item in a row along the desk. The last one was a small, rag doll with black hair, button eyes, and a beautiful silk dress with a wide sash around her waist.

  “I was caught off-guard near the Tirrella mining docks by some pirates. This was long after the Great War between the Sarafin, Curizan, and Valdier, but there was still a lot of cleaning up to do. The three Royal Houses were trying to stop the pirates who used the war as cover and were happy to continue fighting long after it was over. Anyway, all hell was breaking loose, and the Curizan warships chasing a small fleet of pirate ships weren’t stopping for a research vessel which was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I made it to the jump gate, but my ship’s navigation system had been damaged, and I was forced to do a manual override. A small miscalculation combined with a full charge of unstable Tirrella power crystals caused a surge as I passed through the gate. I ended up in an unknown star system, light years away from my planned trajectory. The damage, combined with the sudden burst of speed, sent me careening through that star system. I needed to find a planet where I could land and repair the damage. Fortunately, I crashed on the only planet in the region that was suitable for life, but—” he paused and took a deep breath.

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