Jaguin's Love: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 8 Read online

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  “I know,” Sara responded, thinking of her own dance with death. “I would have died, too.”

  “Oh, Sara. I’m so sorry,” Abby whispered, coming to stand next to her.

  Sara lifted a hand to brush it across her cheek, surprised when she felt that it was damp. She gave a derisive laugh and shook her head. Every time she thought she was getting a grip on her emotions, she found she was still carrying the damn baggage around. Deep down, she knew part of it was fear that she wouldn’t see Jaguin again now that they were back on his planet.

  “Maybe it would be for the best,” she whispered.

  “What is for the best?” Abby asked.

  Sara glanced at Abby and shook her head. “Nothing, just thinking aloud,” she murmured, turning to look out over the garden again.

  “Jaguin and Gunner were assigned as your guards,” Abby said after a few quiet seconds of silence. “They are both good men.”

  “I know,” Sara replied, not looking at Abby.

  She was afraid Abby would see the flare of relief in her eyes. Her fingers went instinctively to the band of gold on her arm when a wave of warmth filled her. For a split second, she felt Jaguin reach out and touch her. He once told her that they were connected in a way that usually only happened after the Dragon’s Fire. What that was, she wasn’t sure, but she knew that it had something to do with a male and a female coming together.

  “Abby,” Sara called out when Abby started to move away.

  “Yes, Sara,” Abby answered.

  “What is the Dragon’s Fire?” Sara asked suddenly, needing to know.

  A rosy blush bathed Abby’s cheeks and her eyes twinkled with warm light. Her lips curved upward and for a moment, Sara wasn’t sure that she should have asked. It was obvious that Abby had to think about the answer before she responded.

  “The Dragon’s Fire is an intense moment when a Valdier male claims his true mate,” Abby explained, wrapping her arms around her waist. “It isn’t painful as much as it is arousing. When the male bites the woman destined to be his mate, he breathes a part of his and his dragon’s essence into her. I don’t understand how it works, but it can change the female.”

  “Into a dragon?” Sara asked in a husky voice.

  Abby looked at her in surprise and nodded. “Yes, how did you know?” She asked.

  Sara gave Abby a crooked smile. “I saw Melina change,” she said, biting her lip. “Does… Does the male have to do that? When they make love… Does he have to bite me?”

  Abby’s expression softened. “I don’t know,” she said with a sympathetic smile. “I would think if you knew going in and didn’t want him to, that he wouldn’t. Sara, if you are a warrior’s true mate, it can be very dangerous if he does not claim you. His dragon… His dragon needs his mate just as much as the man does.”

  Sara looked back at Abby. Her lips parted and she drew in a deep breath. Her gaze moved to her hands. She was twisting them together, which was another new habit she developed since her captivity.

  “What is it like to be a true mate to a Valdier warrior?” Sara asked in a soft voice, glancing up at Abby with a curious, worried gaze.

  “It is the most wonderful feeling in the universe,” Abby promised, stepping forward and cupping Sara’s hands. “You have never known what it was like to be truly loved until you’ve found your other half.” Abby lifted her right hand and cupped Sara’s cheek gently, brushing a strand of hair back. “A warrior and his dragon will love you, protect you, and be there for you always.”

  Sara stared into Abby’s eyes. “I’ve never had anyone but myself,” she whispered.

  “You do now,” Abby promised.

  Sara released a shaky breath when Abby wrapped her arms around her and held her tight. It was so strange to finally be with people who really cared about her as a person. For so long, she had been alone.

  Never again, my elila, a husky voice whispered through her mind.


  The next evening, Sara sat in the dining room. She fingered the beautiful gown that she was wearing. The last two days flew by. Between visits with the seamstress, fittings, and settling in, she barely had a chance to catch her breath.

  Still, as busy as it was, she still felt Jaguin’s absence to her core. She chided herself for her absurd feelings. She never had a mental, much less a physical, craving to be around a man before. She actually hurt with an almost physical need to see Jaguin.

  She practically threw herself into Jaguin’s arms when he arrived earlier to escort her and Emma to the dining room. She would have if she hadn’t been so busy making sure that Emma didn’t disappear again into her bedroom.

  “You look beautiful,” Jaguin whispered, leaning closer to her.

  Sara scowled and wiggled her nose. “I haven’t worn a dress since I was ten,” she muttered, fingering the material. “I feel… weird.”

  Jaguin’s soft, husky chuckle washed over her. Sara pressed her legs together when she felt the familiar heat ignite between them. It was getting worse and worse. She glanced around the table, blushing when she saw several of the men at the table pause and turn in her direction.

  “Stop it,” she growled under her breath.

  “And if I don’t?” Jaguin teased, leaning forward so his warm breath fanned around her bare neck. “I want you, Sara.”

  Sara drew in a hissing breath. She knew her face was flushed, this time from desire, not embarrassment. Closing her eyes, she counted to ten before opening them again. She had to keep a grip on her emotions. Turning, she glanced at Emma. Her gaze swept over the other woman’s face, noting that Emma’s face was flushed as well.

  “Are you alright?” Sara asked, leaning toward Emma. “You look flushed.”

  Sara noticed that Emma looked at her with huge, wary eyes before she sat forward slightly to look at Jaguin. Sara glanced over her shoulder to see Jaguin was returning Emma’s look.

  “Does she have need of a healer?” Jaguin asked with a frown.

  Sara shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. Can’t you go sit somewhere else?” She asked in exasperation.

  Her body went from warm to an inferno when she felt his hand on her knee. He was not playing fair at all. She gritted her teeth when his hand slid further up her thigh. She swore if his hand went any higher, she would dump the glass of ice water sitting in front of her on his lap.

  Jaguin gave her an amused look, as if he knew what she was thinking. “No,” he replied with a sharp-tooth grin.

  Sara couldn’t quite contain the snort that escaped her. “Damn it all, Jaguin,” she hissed under her breath. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  Sara would have said more if she hadn’t been so surprised when another male came to sit on the other side of Emma. Her eyes widened in alarm at the dark haired man. There was a feeling of barely suppressed savagery. For a moment, her mind was swept back to Columbia and her time with Cuello. She swayed in her seat, terror washing through her.

  “What is your name, female?” The man’s dark voice asked Emma. “I am called Ha’ven. You are too thin. You need to eat. You will eat, misha petite.”

  Sara pushed through her fear, her need to protect Emma overriding her own terror. Her gaze flew to her friend’s face; sure that the male terrified Emma. Instead, Sara was shocked to see Emma’s eyes glittering with barely suppressed fury.

  Sara blinked in confusion and returned her gaze to the man. “Leave her alone,” she ordered, glaring at the man.

  He shrugged off Sara’s demand and returned his attention back to Emma. “She is too thin,” Ha’ven replied, picking up a piece of fruit off of his plate. “If she does not wish me to feed her, she can tell me herself.”

  Sara stiffened, about to rise out of her seat when Jaguin leaned forward. His fingers tightened on her thigh, keeping her still. Sara sucked in a breath when he looked back at Ha’ven with a hint of warning in his gaze.

  “Ha’ven, this one is not for you, my friend. She is not well,” Jaguin insisted in a cool
, calm voice.

  Sara didn’t know who was more surprised, her, Emma or the two men when Emma suddenly rose and excused herself. Sara started to rise, but Emma pressed her hand down against her shoulder and shook her head. Sara knew her mouth was hanging open when Emma shot the man named Ha’ven a heated look before turning on her heel and disappearing.

  “Well, that was strange,” Sara whispered, turning in her seat to watch Emma, then Ha’ven, disappear through the doors.

  “I think Ha’ven is in for a surprise,” Jaguin murmured.

  Sara turned to stare at him with a frown. “Why do you say that? Emma has to be terrified of him! He… He reminded me of Cuello,” she added in a quiet, trembling voice. “I could feel the power rolling off of him.”

  Jaguin shook his head. “It was not fear in her eyes, Sara, it was fire. Ha’ven is the Curizan Prince. He is an honorable ally. He will not harm Emma,” he assured her, glancing toward the doorway. A slight smile curved his lips. “If I had to bet, I would place my credits on Emma. Ha’ven is about to find out that he isn’t as charming as he thinks he is.”

  Chapter 14

  Jaguin watched as Sara talked quietly with the human doctor. They were comparing some of the places back on Earth that they had visited. His hand moved to touch her again when he saw her yawn.

  “Would you like to see the gardens at night before you retire?” Jaguin asked in a husky voice.

  Sara’s eyes widened and the fatigue disappeared to be replaced with excitement and curiosity. She nodded and pushed back her chair with an apology to Audrey. Audrey smiled and shook her head.

  “No problem,” Audrey replied. “I’m still trying to settle in. I’m supposed to meet up with Tandor in the library. He was going to show me how to access some of the medical video logs.”

  Sara’s eyes widened when Gunner grunted and muttered under his breath. She saw a troubled look flash through Audrey’s eyes before they cleared. Leaning forward, she gave the other woman a hug.

  “We’ve got to stick together,” she whispered in Audrey’s ear.

  “That’s the truth!” Audrey responded with a sigh. “Enjoy your walk. I’m hoping Gunner will take me out to the gardens later. I’ll need the break after stuffing my head full of facts.”

  Sara laughed and pulled away. “I’ll be out in the garden doing that,” she replied with a grin. “Have fun.”

  Audrey nodded with a sigh, turning when Gunner stepped up to her. “Thanks.”

  Sara leaned into Jaguin when he rested his hand along her lower back. She could feel the warmth of it through the thin material of the gown. With a sigh, she felt the tension begin to fall away as they exited the dining room.

  “Did I mention that the flowers are especially brilliant at night?” Jaguin asked as they turned and exited the dining room.

  “No, but I saw some of them last night from the window of my room. I spent some time with Morian earlier today. She showed me her atrium. She has an amazing knowledge of the plants here. She has quite a few that I would like to study if I get a chance.”

  “Lady Morian’s love for her gardens is well known. She designed all the ones you see here,” Jaguin replied, threading her arm through his as they descended the steps.

  Sara glanced up at Jaguin. “Will you turn into your dragon? How has he been doing? I missed him last night,” Sara asked in concern when she felt the tautness of his muscles under her palm.

  I tell you she like me more! His dragon growled.

  Jaguin winced. He could feel the beast inside him moving restlessly throughout the dinner. His dragon definitely missed Sara last night. Jaguin finally release him for a while. A smile curved his lips as a sudden thought came to him.

  Yes! His dragon chuckled with glee. Now? We do it now?

  Not yet, Jaguin replied in a calming voice. Let me spend some time with her in the garden first, and then we’ll show her the magic of our world.

  I bite? His dragon asked in a hopeful tone.

  I hope so, Jaguin groaned. I’m not sure I can hold out much longer.

  Me bite. She no get mad at me, his dragon retorted with confidence.

  Yes, well, don’t forget that you and I are one, Jaguin muttered. I’ll do the biting first and that is what she is going to remember.

  I make her happy. She no stay mad, his dragon promised.

  Jaguin muttered under his breath. His dragon was going to get him in all kinds of trouble, and he was to the point he was going to let it. He needed Sara. It went beyond want. It was now a critical need. Just one day without her company and he was half mad.

  “What?” Sara asked, looking up at him as they turned the corner leading out to the large balcony.

  “I said welcome to Valdier,” Jaguin improvised, opening the door and waving his hand for her to go before him.

  Liar, his dragon growled, practically prancing.

  Just – shut up, Jaguin ordered, stepping out behind Sara.


  Sara exclaimed again when another flower, this time with blue striped petals and a glowing filament and anther, opened up. Almost immediately, insects of varying sizes swarmed toward the light. Sara held her hand up so that she could compare the size of it to the flower.

  “It’s almost twice as big as my hand,” she whispered, afraid to speak too loudly for fear of disturbing the magic of the moment. “This is incredible.”

  “There are plants near my village that are even larger,” Jaguin replied. “Watch this.”

  Sara gasped when he knelt and ran his hand over another plant that provided a thick ground cover. The leaves lit up under his palm. Inside, Sara could see the vascular bundle pulse with dark green and bright yellow light. Sara stepped closer to examine it.

  “Sara,” Jaguin’s soft groan pulled her attention to where she was standing.

  Her face flushed when she realized that with him kneeling it put her breasts practically in his face. A sudden longing swept through her, searing her as if she were on fire. Her hands moved on their own, threading through his hair and holding him still as she bent forward and sealed her lips to his in a hot kiss filled with need and longing. She was tired of fighting the constant battle with her own desire. She wanted him.

  His hands slid up her side, pulling the filmy material of the gown with it. A shiver went through her when the cool air touched her heated skin. If anything, it fanned the flames running through her.

  “Jaguin, I need you,” she murmured in a desperate whisper against his lips. “I want to make love with you. Will you stay with me tonight?”

  Jaguin rose to his feet. His eyes glittered with the dark flames that she had grown accustomed to seeing in his eyes. The intense gaze promised her that he would grant her wish with relish.

  “Do you trust me?” He asked in a husky tone.

  Sara stared up at him and nodded. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Then, be sure to hold on tight,” he instructed, staring at her with a mysterious smile.

  A confused frown creased Sara’s brow for a moment before her eyes widened in understanding when he stepped back from her. Within seconds, Jaguin’s dragon gazed back at her. Her head turned when she saw Honey suddenly appear. A portion of the symbiot flowed from Honey’s large body. It wrapped around the dragon, forming a saddle and stirrups.

  Sara’s lips parted in amazement before her eyes shimmered with excitement. She stepped up to the dragon when he knelt down to her. Climbing onto the saddle, she wrapped her fingers around the grips.

  Jaguin rose and turned his head to look at her. Sara reached out her left hand to caress his nostril. Once again, he had taken her by surprise.

  “I missed you last night,” she whispered to the dragon. “I’m ready.”

  The dragon bowed its head in agreement before turning. An excited laugh escaped Sara when she felt his muscles tighten before he pushed off the ground. His long wings swept back and forth in powerful strokes as they rose higher. From the air, Sara could see the edge of the garden and the c
liff beyond.

  She leaned forward when she felt Jaguin’s body turn toward the vast ocean. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the rest of Honey flying beside them. This time, Honey was in the shape of a large bird of prey.

  Returning her attention to where they were going, she released a shriek of delight when Jaguin partially folded his wings inward as they swept over the short wall that ran around the garden. Sara held tightly onto the grip, laughing as they soared downward toward the waves crashing against the rocks far below.

  The symbiot must have felt her exhilaration. Thick bands of gold wrapped around her legs and body, steadying her, so that she could lift her arms upward. Sara gasped when Jaguin pulled up just above the waves. She could feel the dampness of the sea spray against her face. Her breath caught at the beauty of the water as the moon light sparkled off of it, making it appear alive.

  “Oh, Jaguin,” she breathed. “This is… This is unbelievable.”

  The dragon turned to look at her for a brief moment. Sara laughed when she saw his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. It was obvious he was enjoying this as well. She couldn’t help but think it must be an incredible feeling to be able to fly like this.

  As if reading her thoughts, Jaguin rose higher. His strong wings cut through the air. Sara could see where he was going. They went higher and higher, passing through several wispy clouds before they soared above them. There was nothing between them and the stars above or the ocean below.

  For a moment, Sara was lost in the magic of the moment. Her heart slowed and she felt at peace. Releasing the grip again, she opened her arms wide and imagined that she was a dragon, flying upward to touch the stars.

  You can be, if you wish, Jaguin’s soft voice echoed in her mind.

  Tears blinded Sara. Just the thought of such a possibility was enough to make her say yes. What would it be like to be so powerful, to never have to be afraid again?


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