The Dark Prince's Prize Read online




  I would like to thank my husband Steve for believing in me and being proud enough of me to give me the courage to follow my dream. I would also like to give a special thank you to my sister and best friend, Linda, who not only encouraged me to write, but who also read the manuscript. Also to my other friends who believe in me: Julie, Jackie, Christel, Sally, Jolanda, Lisa, Laurelle, Debbie, and Narelle. The girls that keep me going!

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  And a special thanks to Paul Heitsch, David Brenin, Samantha Cook, Suzanne Elise Freeman, PJ Ochlan, Vincent Fallow, L. Sophie Helbig, and Hope Newhouse—the outstanding voices behind my audiobooks!

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  —S.E. Smith

  The Dark Prince’s Prize


  Copyright © 2021 by S.E. Smith

  First E-Book Published October 2021

  Cover Design by Melody Simmons

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission from the author.

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  All characters, places, and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations are strictly coincidental.

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  Summary: A woman determined to break a family curse meets an alien prince determined to capture her heart.

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  ISBN: 9781952021688 (paperback)

  ISBN: 9781952021671 (eBook)

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  Romance (love, explicit sexual content) | Science Fiction (Aliens) | Paranormal (Magic) | Contemporary | Royal | Fantasy

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  Published by Montana Publishing, LLC

  & SE Smith of Florida Inc.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39


  Additional Books

  About the Author


  Royal Flush…. Prince Adalard Ha’darra’s mission is simple—stay out of trouble while on Earth. His plans to enjoy his time with a few pleasurable distractions change when his transport is sabotaged, forcing him to land miles from Paul Grove’s remote ranch. When a stranger stops to give him a lift to his destination, he sees the colors of her aura and is stunned to discover his mate!

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  Samara Lee-Stephens has lived with the Lee-Stephens curse her entire life. Determined to break it, she focuses on earning enough money to one day leave her family’s reputation behind. She is furious when her stupid brothers drag her into their messed up lives—by losing her in a poker game! As if her life wasn’t complicated enough, she soon finds herself fascinated by the Grove ranch’s newest client who claims to be an alien prince!

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  Adalard and Samara discover that time may change them, but not their enemies. Can Adalard and Samara survive the challenges that threaten to tear them apart, or will their enemies succeed despite the precautions and sacrifices they’ve taken?

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  **If you love romance in the style of Nalini Singh, Christine Feehan, J.R. Ward, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Dianne Duvall, Grace Goodwin, and Laurell K. Hamilton and you're a fan of out-of-this world space adventures like Starman, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, and all the exciting SciFi Romance movies out there, be sure to read internationally acclaimed, NYT and USAT Bestselling Author S.E. Smith's book series! Adventure and hot romance all in one place! Over TWO MILLION books sold!


  The Curizan

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  Energy-wielding species. Their powers have been disguised as technology prowess. Most non-Curizans are unaware that the Curizans possess innate magical abilities.

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  The Ha’darra Family

  There are many royal families, but the Ha’darras are the most powerful ruling house of the Curizans.

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  The oldest generation of the Ha’darra Family:

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  Hermon – the first-born of the Ha’darra royal house. He is the father of Ben’qumain, whose lower-class mother was unsuitable for marriage. Instead, he married Narissa and fell in love with her. He believed that Ha’ven was his son by Narissa. King Hermon was killed by Ben’qumain in a staged hunting accident

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  Melek – the second born of the Ha’darra royal house. He loved Narissa, but accepted his brother’s marriage to her to strengthen their political ties. Melek is Ha’ven’s sire. Out of respect for his brother’s rule, he chose assignments that kept him away from the palace, and eventually commanded a unit in the Great War, where he served alongside Ha’ven.

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  Narissa – conceived Ha’ven with Melek just before she married Hermon. Over time she became very fond of Hermon, but she always loved Melek.

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  The next generation of the Ha’darra Family:

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  Ha’ven mated to Emma Watson – son of Narissa and Melek. Ha’ven believed that Hermon was his father until after Hermon died. Ha’ven forged friendships with the Valdier and Sarafin and was instrumental in ending the Great War. His mate is a human woman named Emma. Their daughter, Alice, was born with Curizan powers.

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  Ben’qumain – born just days after Ha’ven. The newborn was sent to his father, Hermon, in an attempt to undermine the new alliance between Narissa’s Royal house and that of Hermon. Narissa chose to raise the infant as her own. Ben’qumain was one of the rare Curizans royals born with limited powers.

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  Adalard – born 6 years after Ha’ven. Son of Narissa and Hermon.

  Jazar aka ‘Arrow’ – Adalard’s twin brother.

  Aria – Ha’darra cousin. She allied with Raffvin and Ben’qumain to orchestrate the Great War between the Curizan, Valdier, and the Sarafin, hoping to divide the strongest ruling houses long enough for someone new to rise to power. She was responsible for the capture and torture of Zoran and Ha’ven. She seduced Creon for information.

  General Rimier Tiruss – Curizan General

  Adur Jalar – Adalard’s First Officer

  First Lieutenant Terac Farma – Pilot and Navigation Officer aboard the Rayon I

  First Medical Officer Jaron d’Camp – Healer aboard the Rayon I

  Ensign First Class Quill Umbridge – Engineer Specialist

  Kejon Dos – Curizan assassin and traitor

  General Hamade Dos – Curizan traitor

r Comoros – Hamade Dos’s First Lieutenant

  Empress – Curizan power behind the Great War who answers to the Supreme Power

  Niria, Traya, and Doray – Adalard’s Curizan lovers

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  The Valdier

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  Dragon-shifting species

  The oldest generation of the ruling Reykill Family:

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  Raffvin – first-born. Raffvin mutated his symbiot with negative energy and waged war on the Hive, the sacred cavern where symbiots are born and the Goddesses reside. He was defeated by Morian, her human mate Paul, the Dragon Lords, and the Goddesses. Raffvin was confined within a crystal, condemned to exist neither dead nor alive for eternity.

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  Jalo – second oldest. First mate of Morian, the priestess of the Hive. Together, they had five sons. Jalo was killed by Raffvin.

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  The next generation of the Reykill Family:

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  Zoran mated to Abby Tanner – first-born of Jalo and Morian. Currently King of the Valdier.

  Mandra Reykill mated to Ariel Hamm

  Kelan Reykill mated to Trisha Grove

  Trelon Reykill mated to Cara Truman

  Creon mated to Carmen Walker – Best friends with Ha’ven and Vox.

  The Sarafin

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  Cat-shifting species

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  Vox d’Rojah mated to Riley St. Claire – King of the Sarafin

  Blaze – Vox’s brother and a spy embedded in the rebel group trying to overthrow the royal houses.

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  Samara Lee-Stephens mated to Adalard

  Rob Lee-Stephens – 30; Samara’s oldest brother

  Wilson Lee-Stephens – 27; left home years ago

  Jerry Lee-Stephens – 26; Samara’s brother

  Gary Lee-Stephens – 24; Samara’s brother

  Brit Lee-Stephens – 21; Samara’s brother

  Annalisa Hollins – Detective for Casper Police Department

  Mason Andrews – Ranch Manager and friend of Paul Grove

  Ann Marie Andrews – Wife of Mason

  Chad Morrison – Attorney and friend of Paul Grove

  Bear Running Wolf – Assistant Ranch Foreman

  Alberto Frank Armeni Campeau – Wealthy businessman and gambler

  Jack DeSimone – Campeau’s Head of Security

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  A highly advance species that has been around since the creation of the universe

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  Aikaterina – an ancient of her species and one of the most powerful

  Arilla – younger than Aikaterina; created by her during in the early formation of the universe

  Pallas – younger than Aikaterina; created by another ancient in the early formation of the universe


  Curizan Airspace: Yardell Spaceport

  Ten years ago

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  “You made the wrong choice,” Adalard Ha’darra said in a low voice as he shoved the reptilian man away from him.

  The Bovdean assassin stumbled back and gripped the dagger protruding from his chest.

  “The Ha’darra family’s rule is over,” the man asserted in a guttural voice. “The new order will be more powerful. So powerful that not even the Ha’darra family can… stop… us.” The assassin’s voice faded on his last breath.

  Adalard dispassionately listened to the man’s final words. “Unfortunately, you won’t be around to see our supposed demise,” he replied. The dark green man’s eyes rolled back into his head and his body limply slid down the wall.

  Adalard pulled his attention away from the assassin and half-heartedly scanned the dark corridor for the informant he had been following. He uttered a low curse when he confirmed that the spooked Tiliqua had run off.

  He gingerly touched his throbbing left cheek and grimaced when his fingers came away wet with blood. The Bovdean had been aiming for Adalard’s informant but ended up slicing Adalard’s face.

  He sent an impatient wave of healing energy to his wound, just enough to stop the bleeding, while he knelt and searched the assassin. As he had suspected, the man carried no identification.

  Retrieving his dagger, he wiped the blade on the man’s clothing, stood, and surveyed the alley. Yardell Spaceport was home to mostly criminals because it was on the outer rim of the Curizan-maintained shipping channels.

  As long as Adalard was here, he wouldn’t be able to lower his guard. It was likely that a few of the groups he had angered over the years were around here somewhere. They certainly wouldn’t mind finishing what the Bovdean had started.

  He turned and set off in the direction the Tiliqua had fled, then slowed when he saw his General, along with two additional warriors from the Rayon I, enter the alley. His rueful smile pulled at the deep cut on his cheek. He twirled his dagger and slid it into the sheath at his waist.

  “Prince Adalard,” General Tiruss greeted.

  “Did you find the other two rebels?” Adalard responded.

  Rimier Tiruss shook his head. “Not yet. They escaped through the underground maintenance tunnels,” he replied. “Do you need a medic?”

  Adalard raised an eyebrow. “No. I need the other two assassins. This one died too quickly,” he said with an annoyed glance over his shoulder at the dead man.

  “We’ll locate them. I’ve ordered a search of all ships before they depart. Any who try to leave without permission will be boarded—or blown out of space,” Tiruss replied.

  “Good. I want to know who is working with my half-brother. I will meet you back on the ship later. I need to find the informant,” he said.

  “Be careful. I’m almost certain I saw a wanted poster with your image on it in one of the shops,” Tiruss jested.

  Adalard raised an eyebrow. “Only one? I must be losing my touch,” he replied with a sardonic smirk.

  Several hours later, Adalard sat outside one of the station’s many drinking establishments. He moodily took a sip of his drink. He knew Ben’qumain, his half-brother, was behind the attempts to assassinate the rest of his family. The attacks began when Ben’qumain murdered their father.

  Ben’qumain was hungry for power, but he was stupid and weak. Adalard grimaced in disgust when he thought of their cousin Aria. Under Ben’qumain’s orders, the bitch had captured his older brother, Ha’ven, and tortured him. Adalard was still worried about the lasting effects of Ha’ven’s time on Hell, the asteroid mine where he had been imprisoned.

  The faint beep of an incoming communication broke through his dark musings. He placed his drink on the table and tapped the communicator near his ear. The server hurried toward him. Adalard shook his head and covered his drink with his hand. He didn’t want to be distracted while being served. Poison was not as easy to heal as the wound to his face.

  “Adalard,” he announced.

  “Did you find anything?” Ha’ven asked.

  “Not yet, although a Bovdean assassin added to my good looks. The Tiliqua who might have had information is dead. Tiruss is searching for the two men who were seen with the assassin,” Adalard replied.

  He touched the faint line of his new scar. The appreciative glances from some of the women walking by amused him. He might keep the scar as a memento.

  “Zoran Reykill has disappeared,” Ha’ven abruptly announced.

  Adalard stilled—The King of the Valdier missing. “Tilkmos,” he cursed, softly muttering the Curizan word for damn. “Do they have any leads?”

  “Not yet. Keep searching,” Ha’ven growled. “Once these bastards go to ground, it will be difficult to get them to surface.”

  “Keep me informed,” he said.

  “I will. Oh, and you might want to check in with Arrow. He was attacked,” Ha’ven added.

  “How bad?” Adalard urgently asked.

  “He said he was in better shape than the assassin who atta
cked him,” Ha’ven responded with pride and amusement.

  “I’ll contact him,” Adalard replied before disconnecting the link.

  He detached the vidcom from his belt and cradled it between his hands as he rested his elbows on the small, circular table. Worry for his twin caused his brow to furrow. Arrow had the heart of a warrior, but he was better suited for a lab than out in the field.

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